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Division rear services includes the same categories of activities as rear services at higher levels, namely technical support, medical support, material support, and planning of rear service activity. This lecture will discuss how these deploy and relocate in the division area. It will describe the extent of technical and medical support at division level and what can and cannot be done there. What is not done at division is done at army level or front level. The lecture includes discussion also of the capabilities and structure of the material support battalion, which is the principal rear services unit in the division. When we discuss division rear services we actually enter a new level of rear services, that of the troops. Previously we discussed the operational rear services, that is the rear of army, front, districts, air defense armies, fleets, and the TVD.


The rear services of the troops includes division, regiment, and battalion rear. This is the tactical level rear services. This is not different from the operational level because of the level but activity itself, but it is different from rear services at operational level in a way because at the operational level they are more concerned about sustainment and survivability, but at the tactical level they are more interested in maneuver, dynamism, and flexibility. At the tactical level the forces may suffer damage everywhere. So the deployment of rear services has a different flavor at operational level from rear services at troop level.

Rear service is a collection of rear service units and subunits assigned to provide rear services support to large units, units, and sub units. It includes the same kind of organizations and functions as other rear services such as medical, supply, and technical activities and traffic control and roads etc.

Organization of rear service of troops

Organization of rear service, like organization as a category elsewhere, is understood to include a series of measures and activities carried out to perform the rear services mission.

The first activity is insuring the proper combat readiness of the troops and means. Combat readiness is an important category everywhere. It includes training, maintenance of equipment, personnel readiness, plans for movement, and construction and stocking of depots.

Making the decision for the rear service action, planning, and assignment of missions to rear service units is another vital category of activity. In the Soviet terminology planning is only one phase of organization, while making the decision is another phase. Thus for rear services as well planning is only one part of the activity at division level and only one phase of organization, which does not include decision making itself. The three phases or the cycle can be seen in the following way: first the general idea of the problem is determined in preparing for the operation, then the decision on what to do is developed and formulated, and finally in the planning they determine how to use the resources in accomplishing the decision and how to control them to make sure that the plan will be accomplished the way they have worked it out. Thus, organization includes preparing, first getting combat ready, then making the decision on what to do in the specific situation, then developing the planning on how to do it. After that comes the practical phase, in which deployment of the units is the first action. Then comes relocating the forces and means during the operation in order to keep them at a convenient distance from the troops.

Specifying the supply and evacuation routes is an important action because when it comes to the real situation no matter how many roads are available it is difficult to control traffic unless elements are organized and supply routes designated for units.

The type of support shows the management function with a list of rear service activities. Rear services is considered an economic issue by philosophy, that is the management or the allocation of resources to jobs. *even after the decision is made they still need to establish a material support philosophy and a medical and a technical philosophy to guide the function of the systems. These are worked out in accordance with the situation.

They have to make logistics support function in accordance with the situation to meet the possibilities and opportunities of the situation. In other words, although the commander makes a decision and plan he still has to establish management.

Then security, defense, and protection of rear area is a major concern as well.

Continuous control of rear communication lines (that is roads and railroads) and execution of orders are two more functional areas. Troop control is more like a constructive approach to the troops. The commander must make sure that subordinates have received instructions; second, that they have understood them the way the higher headquarters wants, and, third, make sure that they are going in the right direction and not off in a wrong way. So control is continuous. That is why a staff officer will spend half of his time with troops, not sitting in his office, in order to help explain what the subordinates are to do right. Sometimes subordinates think staff officers sit in their office and make out plans that won't work. So to relate plans and orders the staff officers go to help subordinates. The higher level should be able to feel responsible to go down to the executing elements to see that they can do the job right.

These are elements included in organization of rear services at any level. We will cover these elements today. This covers all aspects of rear services in Soviet system. In summary, preparation of assets, making a decision on how to use them, then planning on what to do, then preparation of the environment all constitute part of organization of rear services.

Combat readiness of rear service

There are three levels of combat readiness just as with other forces. These are constant, higher, and full readiness.

Constant readiness is the level in peacetime, when the troops conduct normal training activities and are kept in status according to war plans at a specific level of personnel and equipment. In the division if the division is planned to be employed as first echelon division of a first echelon army, they will be in full strength because they may go at any day according to the mission. That is the constant state for that division, but there are divisions that will be committed on D plus 12, so those divisions have time to conduct mobilization so those divisions are not kept at full strength in peacetime. Whatever the level a particular unit has in peacetime it is kept at a level proportioned to its wartime mission. That level for that division is constant readiness. The point is that constant readiness is not a unified term having a set standard content or criteria. Everyone has its own state of constant combat readiness according to the wartime mission. Some divisions may be 30% and another may be at 100 %. Both are at constant combat readiness.

It is very important to insure that the state of readiness is proportional to job requirements of the division, especially in the initial phase of war. Readiness means not only time to get ready, but also is related to the area in which the unit will serve. If you have a division fully organized at full strength and it is located at the Baltic area, but is going to be used in the Caucasus it is not in a proper state of constant combat readiness unless it can operate in the different area. In Afghanistan the Soviet divisions were not ready for operation in mountain areas, so their constant combat readiness was not fully met.

In rear services they may have some equipment that will not work properly in the area, so this is part of combat readiness too. So you have to know the type of missions that you will met in the area of operations. One of the main reasons for casualties in Afghanistan was disease. They were not ready to meet the medical requirements of the area.

Higher combat readiness is a more specific concept related to the specific situation. It is the status that is taken when state of war is near and there is a possibility of war or something will happen internally. In this case they raise the state of readiness to the higher level. But is difficult to define this too. A state of higher readiness is the state from which the unit can go to full readiness in the shortest time. But what is the shortest possible time no one knows. So in the case of rear services it is a problem to define higher readiness. It is clear, however, that the unit cannot afford to have its officers and soldiers off post and must call all personnel back from leave and TDY and make preparations to evacuate the sick for long term treatment and prepare vehicles for movement etc. However the unit will still remain in garrison.

Full combat readiness is the status from which the unit should be able to conduct combat action. It includes full strength in people and equipment, troops well trained, staff ready to perform well. The troops should leave the permanent area and deploy to assembly area or move to departure area or move to cover the border. Rear services are the same way in this. They follow their own troops and must be able to support the upgrading of the combat troops while preparing themselves. Rear service elements simultaneously support first themselves in going to the full readiness state and second help others to go to full readiness. Sometimes the unit can go from constant to full readiness directly, when the situation demands quick preparation. In that case the alarm is given and forces go to full readiness immediately.

Bringing rear service to full wartime level. In that case establish mobilization areas near division troops and go to assembly area. The alert assembly areas are places to facilitate protection of troops, that is a place only to get troops out of the permanent areas, not a mission oriented place. It is just a quick evacuation of garrisons to differentiate these from areas for missions.

-----Augment personnel etc. Distribution of ammo etc
-----deployment of concealment of rear services

If unit is to cover the state border then it does not occupy an alert area but deploys directly to the border. A rear control point is located at a specified place. This time is when the unit moves from a peacetime control structure to the wartime structure and from permanent areas to mobile control areas.

These are the principal elements of bringing rear services to full readiness.

Making the decision and planing

Rear service support is conducted simultaneously with operational planning. The division commander receives the operations order from the army commander and the chief of rear services receives the rear service directive from the army chief of rear. This directive will include specific things like the boundaries of the division, the supply routes assigned to the division and what other elements of the army are deployed in the division area and what are attached to the division. It tells how the evacuation of damaged vehicles will be handled. These and other issues are in the directive from army. As the commander gets the order the chief receives the directive on the establishment of rear services. The chief clarifies his instructions and determines what does it mean and how does it help the division to conduct support and what restrictions are placed on the division.

The division commander will brief the chief of rear on the situation. The chief of rear gets the idea of the missions and boundaries and distances required for the operation. The chief of rear will report to the commander on what instructions were received and how they affect the operation. Then they start the estimate of the situation. Both the commander and chief of rear do estimates. The chief of rear prepares suggestions to the commander. He tells the commander what might be the best use of the rear services in support of the operation. Then the division commander makes his decision and issues instructions on rear services. The commander has studied the mission and knows the needs. Now he issues instructions to be the basis of planning.

Contents of Division commander instructions

The commander decides the area of deployment and direction of movement for the rear services elements. This is based on two things - the directive of the higher echelon and the requirements of the situation as the division commander sees them.

The supply routes also are based on the same two things - the higher directive and the situation.

Volume and time of material reserves

It is important to establish the material reserve in line with the preparation of the division before the combat action. For instance, if the division commander decided at a certain point to make a relief in place by one regiment to another, this will have an affect on rear service issues.

Missions and capabilities and suggest the following
-----consumption norms - The division receives its mission daily, so the consumption for the first day is the extent that the division knows what it will be doing. The entire scope of the division plan is a one day break down by episode within a day. This includes for example the preparatory fire, commitment of 2nd echelon, and repelling of enemy counterattack.

The method and time to prepare equipment and evacuation also is based on the same two things. These are the instructions the commander issues to rear service. These are the initial data for the chief of rear services to organize his planning of rear service action.

On the basis of these and instructions received from higher headquarters, the chief of rear conducts his own estimate of situation according to the usual form. Then on the basis of the estimate the chief of rear makes his decision. His decision is the basis for the plan of rear services. His decision gives information for different elements, while the division commander's decision is the basis for planning. The chief of rear gives elaboration for points within the plan. The rear chief elaborates, does not change the plan of the commander.

The plan

In order to prepare the plan the staff has a longer time than just from after the making of the decision. The staff starts before the decision to make general parts of the plan in order to enable subordinates and lower echelons to conduct their planning. The rear service order is given at the same time as the division operation order. If it cannot be given at the same time then a combat instruction is given. There are two types of instruction just as with other types of support. One instruction is to the lower headquarters about rear services and the other is on rear services. In other words the regiments receive an instruction on rear services actions to take and they receive an instruction about what rear services actions will be taken in general. The rear services elements directly under the division receive direct instructions on what actions they will perform.

The rear service order have specific elements


Contents of div order

It begins with boundaries of rear service area and gives the time the boundaries become effective. It shows the areas of deployment of units etc and lists all elements of the division such as the material support battalion, the medical battalion, other elements in the division and where they will go and where relocate. The boundaries follow identifiable terrain features. There is a problem in the desert when one cannot find good boundary features.

Evacuation routes etc. who prepares routes and who gives support like traffic control etc.

Volume as division co specified

missions to units

organization of security

location of rear service control point

give combat instructions to lower units and give instructions on rear to regiments. same like other.

Planning for rear service is not sole responsibility of rear because there are others involved. It is a collective work with principal actor is chief rear service.


listed on VG are others
the div rear service staff
chief of div staff
chief of technical support
chief of arty and engineers and chemical

These people have aspects of rear service functions.

The rear service staff consists of several chiefs of individual departments of the rear services. It includes the chief of staff of rear service, the chief of POL department, of clothing department, chief of communications department (that is roads), the chief of the supply, the chief of quartering, chief of -----. The chief surgeon is chief of division's medical department . He is responsible for public health etc.


Planing is collective work
Cannot do everything suddenly. Planning is continuous process. The staff can do some things before receiving orders

Vg Planning what can be done prior to order

Preparation of area in engineer work. That is trenches, shelters, positions for protection of area, etc.

Collect reserves - this is bringing reserves up to full status.
Repair of equipment should be done and get rid of un-repairable

Evacuation of sick is another important preliminary activity. In addition to that can prepare some parts of documents such as to show the general boundaries of the division operational area, the general mission for the day and basic calculations of material requirements. Some norms and some idea of the actions to be undertaken will allow for basic calculations.


Division rear II

On the basis of the decision of division commander and decision of chief of rear services a plan for rear service support is prepared. The plan includes measures taken by chief of rear service and services under him and attachments to plan will include other things as well. Plan is prepared on 1 to 50 thousand scale map for graphic part of plan. The graphic part will include the following:
---info on enemy
---boundaries of area
---situation of friendly troops
---mission of div and regiment
---areas of deployment
---what enemy will do
---boundaries shown on flanks and rear rear


Boundaries are given by higher echelon

Situation of friendly shown so rear service support is provided according to that situation. If the division is deployed in 3 regiments in first echelon in departure areas and tank regt in 2nd echelon the plan map shows where rear service elements of regiments are located. It shows covering troops, artillery of troop, arty units, rocket bn, (FROG) bn deployed forward. It shows the missions of the division and boundaries of regiments during action. It shows the line of commitment of the 2nd echelon. The plan will show the rear service elements in the departure area and their relocation and show rear service control point and div material support bn. It also shows the workshops, the separate medical detachment from army coming to the division, the vehicle evacuation unit from army, the ambulance company, engineer evacuation company, and regimental rear service elements. All are shown in original areas and in relocation areas shown to end of first day. The map shows the supply route and lateral rocade along the rear service elements of regiments and the army rocade through rear service elements of division then the supply routes to each regiment.

What cannot be shown on graphics is described in written instructions.


VG - content of written instructions

The written instructions list theprincipal tasks. They write what they will do and put the lists in a blank part of the map. The list gives the composition of rear service elements including organic and attached elements.

Material support is type of management method.
Medical support gives methods.


Action transport gives how the transportation system will operate such as how many round trips will be taken each day and where they will go. It shows the number of supply vehicles, how and where and what time they move. depending on location of units and combat formations, method of food to include when hot meals will be given and how field rations will be provided by the rear service.

The plan for repair of clothing will show the same kind of detail.

The method of chemical decontamination will also be shown in detail.

All of these will be in written form on map.


About the deployment and position of rear service troops, that is - how to do it. The rear service troops will be deployed in an area designated for rear services with close concentration on the requirements to sustain troops and provide continuous support to troops in action. Then in order to deploy and position rear service units the maximum use is made of terrain features for cover and concealment. Existing routes, water sources, and other local material will be taken into consideration. In the offensive battle the rear service area is designated for the first echelon divisions. The area of rear service is given by the army commander through his deputy for rear. In that case what is important is the location of the division rear line. Depending on division structure, the line will be closer or more in depth. Mostly for first echelon divisions the rear line is drawn so as to be in one line with the rear of the other divisions. The area for rear service depends on the situation and composition of the division, on the layout of army rear service elements, and on the availability of routes, power sources, water sources, cover and concealment of terrain, etc. The depth of the rear boundary is up to 40 km in the attack and in defense up to 60 km.

During the attack from line of march and when there are no adjacents, such as when the division is committed as the 2nd echelon division in offensive or when committed as a division as OMG or during action in terrain like mountains, the area of rear area is normally not designated because there are no flanks, so they don't need a rear boundary either. In this case units are kept at a distance on the basis of the commander's decision.

The layout of the rear area is given in more elaborate form in defense. It is divided into regimental rear as well as division rear. On defense the plan shows the regimental rear boundaries as well. These are not shown for the offensive. The rear area in defense is only shown or even designated for first echelon regiments, not 2nd echelon, because the second echelon is in the division rear area. In an attack with regiments don't assign regimental rear boundaries.

At tactical troop level for troops rear service the Soviets need part of rear service well forward while some other elements can be deployed further back. So at tactical level they have a 1st and 2nd echelon of rear services. The first echelon is deployed close to first echelon of combat troops for immediate support. They can give limited but immediate support. Support from the 2nd echelon of the rear services is more elaborate but not so immediate. To bring both requirements for immediacy and elaborateness they divide the rear service elements into the two groupings and locate them in the different areas. The first line of rear services has the medical facilities, some evacuation capability, and the ammunition and POL supply as well as thearea for collection of damaged vehicles. The medical battalion and repair battalion are deployed close to units. The rest of the rear service units to include the material support battalion, transport units, depots, and separate medical detachment are further back. Those in the first echelon are behind the first echelon of the division. The rest in the 2nd echelon or rear will be behind the division 2nd echelon in the division rear area.

In attack the division first echelon rear includes ammunition reserves, POL, spare parts, and repair capabilities provided in accordance with experience on what will need to be replaced. The medical battalion or the separate medical detachment from army locates forward to be able to handle casulaties promptly. A part of the repair facility and spare parts forms at the evacuation point. These move and are not stationary. They move with the first echelon troops. As ammunition and POL are provided they move forward.

The chart shows the regimental rear service area and elements of division medical bn and ammunition and evacuation units forward of the regimental rear service area. Then it shows the rest of rear services in back of the division.


There are five levels of medical support

In the second line of the division rear service they locate the separate material support battalion, the field bakery, and the combined depot and transport units, the separate medical detachment, and the rest of the repair facilities and control point. These are deployed behind the 2nd echelon of the combat units of the division.

The medical battalion goes into a deployment area first into the first echelon to do its job and when it is full then the separate medical detachment from army replaces it in the first echelon further forward, while the medical battalion finishes its work. But if there are massive casualties suddenly like from an air or chemical attack and the division receives many casualties then, the separate medical detachment will deploy immediately to help the medical battalion right away.

During the attack the damaged tanks and APC and vehicles are either repaired on the spot or they are evacuated to collection point of damaged vehicles for the division. They are collected in one area so they can be worked on in place. In modern conditions the rear service of the division operates continuously Elements are not placed in a way to move in 24 hours. Here the elements are moving forward and backward constantly. They conduct support continuously. At the division level only limited local resources are used and only limited repair done. They can only exploit so much of local material. Field expedient of using local material depends on initiative and imagination of division rear officers.

Relocation of rear service first echelon moves with troops. For the rest, relocation is conducted during the night because during day it is difficult to move. Movement includes also closing out one area and loading up equipment and can be risky during daytime. During day the rear service also are busy conducting support and cannot easily quit to move, so during night forthem may be a better time when they are able to move. Depending on speed of attack, the rear service of division will relocate once or twice in 24 hours.


Supply routes

Axis routes come from the division depots to the regimental depots and artillery positions. Lateral routes extend along the line of regimental depots and along the line of the division rear bases.

We covered decision making, planning position, and relocation of rear service

To sum up, prepare rear service of division at different level of combat readiness then use it on basis of direction of higher echelon and division commander's decision.

Making decision is done by chief of rear services. The plan is a vehicle to accomplish missions. When they make the decision and deploy, what is important is the method for conduct of support.


Management of support

What is material support

The material support is conducted to meet the requirements for timely and full support of units and subunits. They have to deliver fully in terms of norms and level of consumption and do it on a timely basis, therefore the contents of material support is the reception, maintaining, transportation, and deliver of material received from higher echelon such as the army material support brigade. The division must maintain this and deliver it when needed. Rear service support is a continuous cycle. They cannot just dump everything to the lower echelon too soon. Delivery must be gradual. And the division must transport the supplies until they are delivered. It must make sure always that material that was delivered reaches the consumer at the right time.

Another principle is continuous delivery and another one is to deliver the right material at the right time.


The planner have a necessity for continuous control

types of material supply

ammo weapons spare parts

armor supplies etc.

Material support is supply of all these kinds of items. This is for main components and spare parts, not end items like entire tanks or APC's. In order to conduct material supply they have to have the combat battalion material supply platoon and the regimental material supply company. And the division has the material supply battalion. They have the capacity to receive and maintain supplies and have the transport elements to move and deliver them.

Certain amounts of material supplies are consumed in a day on the basis of statistics and norms for planning and WW II experience. The consumption for one soldier has been calculated 20 kg per soldier per day on this basis. Of this about 2 kg was food. However in the local wars of the 1970's according to experience in 24 hrs consumption per soldier increased to 90 kg. and the Soviets believe this number will increase continuously in the future.

At tactical level in order to maintain mobility of troops mobile material reserves are established. These materials are loaded on trucks and tanks etc. with the guns and mortars and other items and in mobile workshops and with individuals. These are maintained to be there always. The amount of material and echelon is shown in table.

Level of material in mobile reserve is determined on basis of directive of higher echelon. It is part of establishment of unit and should be there whenever unit is inspected. Calculate for normal situation that division should be able to conduct on its own for 3 to 4 days. In addition to mobile material in large units and subunits they can establish additional reserves. If there is an outpost they will dump material for months at a time.

During preparation of offensive they again can establish additional reserves, especially for artillery fire they establish separate reserve of ammunition in gun positions and use it at the position and don't carry it forward.

On the basis of orders and situation during the course of combat they can conduct maneuver of material from one area to another to help successful units to move faster and conduct important missions or to resupply in areas where enemy has destroyed most of reserve. Maneuver of supply to meet immediate requirements on local areas. When opening new directions also conduct this maneuver. During restoration of combat capability of troops after nuclear attack this maneuver of supplies is one of the measures used.

The material reserve is divided into two categories; consumable and untouchable. The untouchable is part set up on basis of instruction of higher headquarters. What can be used from material reserve whenever used must he replenished. The amount considered to be untouchable is a certain amount of ammo and food and other. These cannot be consumed, only used on instruction of regimental commander or sometimes battalion commander. This varies with situation and is something ordered by higher commanders.


Transportation principles

transport from higher to lower with transport of higher

medical and technical support and then control of rear


Technical support

Technical support is a complex of methods taken with the repair of equipment and weapons. Timely repair is critical in modern battle. It also includes the technical preparation of the equipment prior to the battle.

Technical support first became very important during the First World War. But the separate post ofchief of the technical service was not established until after 1975. At that time technical support became a separate category. Prior to then it was one of the categories within the rear service support.

Now the requirments for technical support are so specialized that they require extensive training and study to prepare properly.

The most basic measures are the servicing of equipment done by the crew and drivers. These are simple lubrication and checking of components. The technical servicing are divided into categories on the basis of the scale of work to be done. The services are performed according to standards of milage or hours of operatpiece of equipment there are several special services.

For instance tanks have the following kinds of services.

The first is the diagnostic check or inspection done by the crew each time the tank is used and during halts. They check the tank prior to leaving the motorpool, during halts on the march, prior to conducting fire and before a training exercise. In this service they look at the items and check for general security and levels of lubrication etc. They check the systems according to a check list and the service manual. It takes 15 - 30 minutes for the beginning inspection and 10 to 15 minutes during breaks on the march.

Technical service 1 is done on return to the motor poo. orwhen there is a break between combat or lull in battle. In this they wash the vehicle and check the oil and lubrication and refil as needed.

Technical service 2 Varies with each model tank. For the T 54 the crew and the mechanic from the repair unit work with the chief of technical services

For tech service 3 it is done after 2000 to 2200 km and takes 8 to 12 hours.

For motor vehicles there is a different set of technical services

The first is the inspection done by the driver at the motor pool. This is a daily inspection done again when the truck returns to the motorpool



There are repair principles. The first of these is that the repair comes to the unit rather than the reverse.

The order of priority is for first repair on those damaged items that can be repaired in the shortest time and with the least amount of special work. This is usually accomplished in the unit.

Routine repair is 100 % done in the unit

Medium repair is 50% done in the unit and 50% at front level

Capital repair is 0% in unit and all at factories or at front level

Light repair is mostly what is needed. it includes changing simple items.

Medium repair includes changing major assemblies. It can be done on the spot as well. What cannot be done is evacuated.

Light repair is done by the forces, crews and mechanics in the regiment anddivisoin. The dirvers participate. The unit mechanics help the drivers with difficult work.

For medium repair as a rule the driver also accompanies the vehicle. it can be done at army if the army has received a repair unit from front. Otherwise it is done at front level. For medium major subassemblies are exchanged.
Evacuation is done by higher headquarters sending means down to lower not the reverse. For evacuation also the priority is to take first the most important items such as command vehicles and rocket launch vehicles and also to take first the items that can be repaired fastest. The 2nd order ti to take what can be repaired at regiment and division relatively soon. The 3rd priority is to take the rest of the equipment.

The best varient is to repair right in place where damaged on the battlefield. If this is not possible then evacuate to a covered place. If that can't be done then take to the evacuation point. and fourth evacuate to depots.
The evacuation is organized on the basis of a reconnaissance and observation system that has regular observation posts. Evaculation is done by technical evacuation means from higher units. Or it can be done by like types of vehicles. That is one tank can tow another. Other transport that is going to the rear can be used to haul dammaged equipment. Equipment may require help when it is not damaged by enemy action. For instance tanks can get stuck in the mud or trucks may be stalled and unable to make a steep inclide. There re provisions for providing assistance with winches and towing equipment.
Technical service requires that crews are well trained and know how to maintain their vehicles and how to perform servicing. EVen during battle, whenever there is a lull training on technical servicing is given to the crews.
Control of technical support is an important command function. It is part of troop control itself. The commander is personally responsible. He has now a deputy for technical matters. This deputy prepares his estimates and plans on the basis of the decision of the commander and the instructions from higher headquarters. He conducts technical service during the battle from the observation post and the rear service command post. Technical service evacuation and repair has its own signal communications system. The technical support system must work in close interaction with the rear service system. Successful completion of the combat mission depends on successful fulfillment of the requirments of technical servicing. and the interaction of technical service with rear service and the command.

Troop control of rear services in general is conducted from the rear control point. A representative of the rear services is also at the main command post. Copies of the rear service documents are located at the rear post and the main post and also with the chief of the material support battalion. If therear control post is destroyed he direction shifts to the rear representative atthe main command post, if he is also out then control is taken by the commander of the material support battalion. As a last resort if these are all out then control shifts to the chief of rear of one of the regiments.

The rear control post is only moved on the order of the division commander.