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Duties and Responsibilities of the Army Deputy Commander for Political Affairs


The army deputy commander for political affairs is responsible for the following in peacetime and wartime: for the organization and state of political work in the army; for the efforts of political and military indoctrination of servicemen and reinforcement of the political morale of the personnel and military discipline; for the effectiveness of political work in solving the problems of combat and political training and maintaining the army's constant combat readiness, and in executing combat missions. He is subordinate to the army commander, and he is the direct superior of all personnel of the army.

The army's deputy commander for political affairs is obligated:
----- to participate in the development of the combat and political training plan and the army's mobilization plan;
----- to organize and conduct political work, guiding it in such a way that it would unify the personnel about the Communist Party and Soviet government, promote successful fulfillment of combat and political training missions, maintenance of the army's constant combat readiness, fulfillment of combat missions, and reinforcement of one-man command, military discipline and the political morale of the personnel;
----- to conduct an effort to indoctrinate the personnel of the army in the spirit of boundless devotion to the Soviet motherland, the Communist Party and the Soviet government, the friendship of the peoples of the USSR, proletarian internationalism, combat unity with the armed forces of fraternal socialist countries, intolerance of bourgeois ideology, unswerving compliance with the USSR Constitution and Soviet laws, faultless fulfillment of the requirements of the military oath, the military regulations and orders, and the norms of communist morality, conscious obedience to commanders (chiefs) and respect for them; to take steps to unify the military collectives, and to indoctrinate the personnel in the spirit of friendship and troop comradeship, combat traditions, loves for one's unit and faithfulness to he unit`s colors as a symbol of military honor, valor and glory; to organize extensive propaganda of acts of heroism and of the courageous and noble deeds of the army's personnel;
----- to explain to servicemen the leading and guiding role of the communist Party, its decisions, its domestic and foreign policy, the military political situation and the consequent missions of the personnel of the army, and to propagandize the successes of the Soviet people in the construction of communism;
----- to instill in the personnel an awareness of the need for high political alertness, faultless fulfillment of military duty and strict maintenance political work aimed at fulfilling the tasks of guard duty and internal (duty and watch) services;
----- to instill in the servicemen a class hatred of the enemies of the motherland and a constant preparedness to defend the state interests of the USSR in all conditions and at any price;
----- to instill in the servicemen a feeling of personal responsibility for assimilation of armament and of combat and other equipment, for its maintenance in constant combat readiness, and for preservation of military and public property;
----- to organize and conduct mass political and legal propaganda and agitation, political lessons and briefings and cultural-educational work among the personnel and the families of servicemen, making extensive use of publications, motion pictures, television, radio, and other technical propaganda resources for these purposes;
----- to organize the ideological, theoretical, and teacher training of the leaders of political lesson groups and their assistants, and the selection, placement, indoctrination, and education of active propagandists in the units and subunits;
----- to manage the political indoctrination of officers and to shape their work political, and moral qualities; to personally conduct the indoctrination of officers and to manage their Marxist-Leninist training; to participate in the selection, placement and certification of officers and in the selection of candidates for military training institutions; to teach officers the practical techniques of political indoctrination;
----- to organize the work of the army club and library, and to insure maintenance of a high ideological level in the measures they carry out and inclusion of a maximum number of personnel in these measures;
----- to implement measures associated with organizing socialist competition in the army and propagandizing the best experience in personnel training and indoctrination; to develop the initiative and activity of party and Komsomol organizations in this work;
----- to display concern for the health and diet of the personnel and for improving their material and personal conditions, to know their needs, and to show concern for satisfying them;
----- to establish and constantly maintain communication with local party and soviet organs, and to render assistance to them in the conduct of military-patriotic work among the public, especially the young;
----- to organize proper use, maintenance and proper replenishment and repair of technical propaganda resources and political eduction aids;
----- to promptly report to the army commander and the army's chief of political affairs, on the political morale of the personnel, on political measures that had been carried out and on the status of political indoctrination and military discipline.