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Given the composition of the Central Front, prepare the guiding data table to include the total available front's and armies' reconnaissance forces and means for the offensive operation of the front.


The students are to fill-in the two attached blank tables on the basis of the actual composition of the front and the composition of front's reconnaissance forces and means. Then filled-in tables (attached) are issued for further discussion .



Determine the distribution of reconnaissance aviation flight resources in terms of number of sorties per target, reserve sorties and the signal channels, when there are 2 tactical (20th and 30th) and one operational (40th) reconnaissance aviation regiments and two reconnaissance aviation squadrons from 4th and 10th fighter - bomber aviation divisions are available in the front.


Let the students fill-in the blank table of "distribution of flight sorties to tasks including the detection and location of nuclear delivery means, grouping of ground forces, command posts, air fields of combat aircraft, air defence means and other targets. A "school solution" or a variant of filled-in table is issued for further discussion.



Assume that there are the following number of targets during the different phases of the operation to be detected, located, confirmed, and followed :


Nuclear and chemical weapons 42 ---- 48 ---- 24
Groupings of ground forces ----22---- 22----- 11
Mobilization areas ------------- 10---- 4 -
Grouping of air force and air defence targets --- 60 ----- 60 ----- 20
Naval forces groupings -------- 26---- 26 ---- 10
Defensive lines and other targets 40-- 40 ---- 20

On the basis of the above data prepare the table of calculation of the allocation of the reconnaissance forces and means for the different phases of the operation.


The calculations are based on the assumption that during the preparatory phase of the operation only agent and radio and radio technical reconnaissance means will be employed, while during the conduct of the operation additionally air, SPETZNAZ, and troops reconnaissance will also will be conducted. For a solution to the exercise see the attached table.



Given the situation on the map, and using the pre-prepared map symbols, mark the deployment areas of the front's reconnaissance forces and means on the overlay.


The students are to use the appropriate map symbols to mark the location of deployment areas of the front's reconnaissance forces and means. A sample of a solution on the map is later shown to the students for further discussion.



Write the aim and tasks of the reconnaissance for planning the reconnaissance in support of the front's offensive operation to include all phases of the operation.


Show the prepared reconnaissance plan of the front and discuss the content of the aim and the reconnaissance tasks .



Write the written instructions of the front's reconnaissance plan to include the following:

a Measures on the employment of the reconnaissance forces and means:
Agent reconnaissance
Special purpose reconnaissance
Air reconnaissance
Armies reconnaissance forces and means

b Control of front's reconnaissance forces and means .

c Reporting the results of the reconnaissance

d Information dissemination.


Issue the pre-prepared example of the written instructions of the front's reconnaissance plan and discuss the content with the students.



On the basis of the reconnaissance plan prepare the combat instructions to the front's reconnaissance troops and the instructions on reconnaissance to the armies .


Issue and discuss the prepared texts of the instructions to the troops and to the armies.





As the commander of 36th CAA issue instruction on reconnaissance to the army's reconnaissance staff.


See the example prepared for the commander of the 36th combined Army.



As the chief of staff of the 36th combined arms army ,issue instructions on the organization of the reconnaissance to the army's reconnaissance staff .


See the example of instructions prepared for the chief of staff of the 36th combined arms army on the specific details of reconnaissance missions and other elements of the organization of the reconnaissance .



As the chief of the army's reconnaissance issue the initial instructions to the army's reconnaissance units.


See the prepared instructions.



Using the norms table determine the number of radio and radio technical posts to detect/confirm the following targets during the preparation and conduct of the operation.

TARGETS Number during the preparation Number during the conduct
Pershing Sqn. 1 1
Sergeant Bn 4 6
Lance Bn 10 16
203mm Arty Bn 6 8
Separate Regts/Bns 6 8
Arty Regts/Bns 27 37
Recon Regts/Bns 3 5
Bde CPs 17 23
DIV CPs 6 8
Hawk/Nike Btys 22 22
Vulcan/Chapparal Bns


Aviation Sqn Airfields 12 15


Different calculations can be conducted about the requirements for radio and radio technical posts to conduct the assigned tasks as follows:
----- Calculation to find out the number of radio and radio technical posts required to conduct all tasks or a group of tasks simultaneously.
----- Calculation to find out the total capability of the army to accomplish the given tasks.
----- Calculation to maximize the use of the available means to accomplish the assigned missions.

In practice the first group of calculations are made during the decision making phase to determine the required number of radio and radio technical reconnaissance means to conduct the projected and actual reconnaissance tasks. The second and third group of calculations are conducted during the planning of the reconnaissance on basis of the commander's decision.

Here are the calculations to determine the overall requirements in radio and radio technical posts on the basis of the suggested norms :


During the prep During the conduct
Radio posts RT posts Radio posts RT posts
Pershing Sqn 1 1 1 1
Sergeant Bn. 2 2 3 3
Lance Bn 3 3 5 5
203 Arty Bn. 2 2 3 3
MR/Mech/Armor BDE




Separate Regt/Bn




Arty Regt/Bn




Recon Regt/ Bn




Bde CPs 5 2 7 3
Div CPs 3 2 4 2
CORPS CPs 2 1 3 1.5
Hawk/ Nike Baty






Chapparal Bn





Aviation Sqn Airfields






Calculate the required sorties of pilotless reconnaissance probes (drones) for the following targets during the conduct of the operation:
----- a One Pershing and 4 Sergeant and 6 Lance missile Bns.
----- b 70 ground forces groupings
----- c 11 div and corps Cps
----- d 30 air defence SAM subunits
----- e 15 aviation sqn airfields .


In determining the requirements of pilotless recon means per target, the technical and tactical characteristics of the pilotless reconnaissance means are taken in to consideration. The required number of drone probes per target depends on the importance, location, availability, and capability of other reconnaissance means and other factors. The allocation of these means also depends on the number of sorties allocated to the army for the operation. Normally the army is allocated 48 sorties for one offensive operation.

The priorities in the allocation of the pilotless reconnaissance means are as follows:
-----1 Nuclear weapons
----- 2 Air defense means and aviation bases.
----- 3 Ground forces groupings and CPs.
----- 4 Other targets.

Given the above mentioned facts, a solution variant to the exercise can be as follows:

Allocation of pilotless reconnaissance sorties to given targets:
----- "a" group targets 10 sorties
----- "b" group targets 20 sorties
----- "c" group targets 4 sorties
----- "d" group targets 10 sorties
----- "e" group targets 4 sorties
----- TOTAL 48



Assume the army can launch a total of 12 SPETZNAZ groups during the operation with 4 groups retained in reserve. Allocate the 12 groups to targets listed in exercise 5.


Given the fact that an army SPETZNAZ group can be allocated two targets per day in an area 40-50 square km; and taking the importance of the given targets in to consideration, the 12 army SPETZNAZ groups can be allocated as follows :
----- "a" group targets 2 groups
----- "b" group targets 4 groups
----- "c" group targets 2 groups
----- "d" group targets 2 groups
----- "e" group targets 2 groups

TOTAL 12 groups



Assume that the army is opposed, in a sector 62 km wide in the depth of its immediate mission and 84 km wide in the depth of its long range mission, by the following enemy forces and means :

1 One Pershing , 4 Sergeant, 6 Lance Bns in the depth of army's immediate mission and an additional 2 Pershing and 4 Lance Bns in the depth of its long range mission .

2 The number of ground forces in the depth of the immediate mission amounts to 2 US Mech and one armored divisions, all of corps troops, and an additional one mechanized division and one armored brigade in the depth of army's long range mission.

3 In addition to the divisional and corps aviation, there are 6 squadrons of tactical aircraft deployed in the army's sector (3 in the depth of the immediate mission and 3 in the depth of the long range mission).

4 The direction of the main attack of the army is 16 km wide with 40% of the enemy troops (located in the depth of army's immediate mission) is likely to be employed in this area in the depth of the immediate mission.

Given the above information, prepare the table of the enemy's density of forces and means for the following cases:
Entire width and the entire depth of army's sector.
The direction of the main attack in the depth of the immediate mission.
Entire width of the army in the depth of the immediate mission.


Fill up the blank table and/or issue the prepared table of the density of the enemy's forces and means in the army's sector.



As the army's chief of reconnaissance prepare your suggestions to the army commander about the enemy on the basis of the actual situation on the map.


Discuss during the class on the situation map, which will include a number of indications about the enemy's strength, order of battle, composition of forces, fire system, communication nets etc. The instructor may also issue a prepared sample of the report of the army's chief of reconnaissance .



Show the deployment of the army's reconnaissance forces and means in the FUP area of the army to include positions of divisional and army radio and radio technical sub-units in the company and platoon deployment areas; the deployment areas of the divisional and army SPETZNAZ reconnaissance companies; the deployment area of the army's pilotless reconnaissance means (drones); deployment areas of the artillery reconnaissance means and the location of possible observation posts. Also show the relocation areas of the reconnaissance forces and means during the conduct of the operation.


Using the pre-prepared map symbols the deployment areas of the above mentioned reconnaissance forces and means are marked by the students. Then a prepared solution variant on overlay is issued and discussed by the instructor .



On the Army's map (overlay) mark the following elements :
----- Areas of main attention of the reconnaissance.
----- Targets of air (cosmic) photography to include the time , type and the scale of the photography .


Using the pre-prepared map symbols, the areas where the main attention of the reconnaissance is to be concentrated and the targets to be photographed during the conduct of the operation are marked by the students on the issued overlays. Then a prepared solution variant on overlay is issued and discussed by the instructor.



Write the aim of the reconnaissance for the army's offensive operation and list the reconnaissance tasks for the phase of the preparation of the operation; during the conduct of the immediate mission of the army and during the conduct of the long range mission of the army.


Issue the written sample of the aim of the reconnaissance and the prepared list/table of the reconnaissance tasks during the preparation and conduct of the operation. The emphasis must be placed on the difference between the aim and tasks (end vs means). The aim of the reconnaissance should clearly refer to the time, space, and the commander's decision to accomplish the assigned mission. For example it should reflect the fact that the aim of the reconnaissance is to determine the capabilities and intentions of enemy's....(specific groupings of the enemy forces) in support of the accomplishment of the army's offensive mission at the time, place and by the method which the army commander's decision prescribes .



Combine the answers to exercise 4 thru 11 in a unified plan of reconnaissance of the army's offensive operation.


See the prepared plan of the army's reconnaissance for the offensive operation.



On the basis of the reconnaissance plan, prepare combat instructions to the reconnaissance forces and instructions on reconnaissance to the divisions and to the subordinate units.


See the examples prepared and fill-in the blanks to prepare the required documents.



On the basis of the new situation (at 0600 June 19) developed during the conduct of the army's operation (shown on the map), assess the enemy situation to include the following:
----- Actual strength, density, composition, and grouping of the enemy forces directly in contact with the army elements;
----- Enemy's reserves, their likely action and estimated time of their commitment;
----- Possible intention of the enemy and concept of his operation;


Let the students fill-in the blank format of the assessment of the enemy situation during the conduct of the offensive operation. Then issue the prepared example for further discussion if required.



On the basis of the situation discussed in exercise 14, prepare the following documents:
----- The periodic reconnaissance report to the front.
----- The reconnaissance summary to be sent to the front staff at the end of the day.


The students are issued blanks of the army periodic reconnaissance report which provides the picture of the situation at a specific time - in this case the situation discussed in the exercise 14.

The students should also fill-in the blanks of reconnaissance summary of the army, which is prepared and sent to the front headquarters at the end of the day. The reconnaissance summary should provide a brief narrative of the highlights of the past 24 hours period.




Exercise 1 :

Assume that 16 MRD is opposing one US Mech Bde reinforced with 3 Arty Bns in the first echlon and two tank bns in the enemy's division reserve area (20 km in the depth ), and up to4 Mech bns and 1 tank bn in the enemy's corps reserve area (45 km in depth).
-----the width of the division sector is 15 km .

Calculate the density of enemy's forces and means for the following cases :
-----1 - the entire width of the front , and the entire depth of the mission.
-----2 - Entire width and the depth of the immediate and long range missions seperately.
-----3 - The direction of the main attack ( 40% of the width of the division sector covering 40% of the enemy's forces in the Bde defence area ,up to 70% ofthe division reserve and 50% of the Corps reserve in the division's sector.

Answer :

See the prepared table .


Exercise 2 :

On the basis of the given tactical situation ,prepare the report of the chief of the reconnaissance to the the divsiiion commander on the assessment of the enemy situatiion.

Answer :

See the prepared text


Exercise 3 :

Calculate the required number of r adio and radio technical posts to detect /confirm the following targets :

The targets During Prep Conduct
-----a-Lance Bn 1 2
-----b-8" Arty Bn 1 1
-----c-Mech/Armor Bn 6 10
-----d-Arty Bn 4 8
-----e-Bde Cp 2 5
-----f-Div CP 2 4
-----g-Sam Bty 3 6
-----h-Hel Pad 1 2

Answer :

Using the norm table on the combat capabilities of the divisional radio and radio-tecnical Recon means the total radio and radio tecnical posts required for the given targets can be as follows :

Targets Prep Conduct
----- Radio RT Radio RT
-----a 1 o.5 2 1
-----b 1 o.5 1 0.5
-----c 1.5 0.3 2.5 0.5
-----d 1 0.2 2 0.5
-----e 1 0.2 2.5 0.5
-----f 0.5 0.1 1 0.2
-----g 0.7 0.5 1.5 1
-----h 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2



During the conduct of the battle, deter mine the required number of Spitsnaz groups tobe employed against thefollowing targets :
------ Div CP
------ 2 concentration of forces in the enemy's Corps reserve area.
------ 2 Lance position.
------ 1 SAM Bn
------ 1 rear service area.


------ For the Lance position : one ea 2 groups
------ For Div CP 1 group
------ since the rest of the targets are deployed in such a way that each presumably occupies an area not less than 35-50 square kilometers , each will require one group i.e a total of 4 groups.



Write the aim of the reconnaissance and the reconnaissance tasks for the 16 MRD's offensive battle


Copy from the prepared reconnaissance plan.



Calculate the allocation of reconnaissance forces and means to the tasks listed in Exercise 5 .


See the prepared reconnaissance plan .



Write combat instructions to reconnaissance subunits and instructions on reconnaissance to the motorised rifle and tank regiments .


See the prepared text .


Suggested Norms for allocation of Divisional R&RT means Per Target

Given the norm that each divisional radio interception post is capable to monitor up to 4 enemy's radio nets, 2-3 radio direction finding posts can conduct 30 fixes an hour, and 2-3 radio technical posts can take 23 bearings in one hour; the following are some suggested norms for allocation of divisional radio and radio technical means per different reconnaissance target:

Missile (Lance )Bn 1 0.5
8" Arty Bn 1 0.5
Mech/Armor Bn 0.25 0.1
Arty Bn 0.25 0.1
Bde CP 0.3 0.1
DIV CP 0.5 0.1
SAM Bn 0.25 0.1
Helicopter Pad 0.25 0.1
Rear Service 0.25 0.1


Radio and Radio technical means

Allocation Norms For Army

Missile (PERSH) Bn 1 1
Missile(SEARG) Bn 0.5 o.5
Missile(LANCE) Bn 0.3 0.3
8" Arty Bn 0.3 0.3
Bde (Mech,Armor) 0.5 0.2
Separate Regt/Bn 0.1 0.1
Arty Bn 0.1 0.1
Recon Regt/Bn 0.3 0.5
Bde CP 0.3 0.1
Div CP O.5 0.25
CORPS CP 1 0.5
SAM BN 0.1 0.1
Squadron Airfield 0.25 0.25
Rear Service area 0.1 0.1


Note :

During the preparation phase prior to the battle ( operation ), usually a higher number of radio and radio technical reconnaissance means are allocated to targets especially to nuclear delivery means. During the conduct of the battle (operation) due to the following reasons, a lower number of radio and radio technical reconnaissance posts are allocated to different targets:
1. There is contact with the enemy and more reconnaissance means of different types are employed.
2. There is a lot of data about the enemy targets as accumulated during the course of combat action.
3. The number of targets increases during the conduct of the combat action, and therefore a greater number of radio and radio technical reconnaissance posts cannot be allocated to all targets.