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Dastagir Wardak

Ali Jalali

John Sloan



These norms form the basic framework for planning and establish the Soviet mindset when thinking about operations. They are used constantly in practical applications.




A.) Front

1. Composition

The front does not have a constant organization. In the defense, the front consists of 12-20 motorized rifle and tank divisions, and 3-4 air divisions, and 3-4 air transport regiments or fixed-wing helicopter regiments, and 3-4 recon aviation regiments. <operations front> <front in defense>

The composition of the front is not constant. In an offensive, the composition of the front depends on many conditions. Usually in the Western theater of strategic military operations (TSMA) the front can be composed of 3-4 armies, including a tank army, 3-5 motorized rifle and tank divisions, one air army, one desant (airborne) division, chasti and soedineniia of rocket troops and artillery, chasti and soyedineniya of antiaircraft artillery, antiaircraft rockets, engineer troops, signal troops, chemical troops, radioelectronic, and soedineniia, chasti, and uchrezhdeniia (installations) of the rear services. <operations front>

In the composition of a front in an offensive operation, in the Western TSMA there can be the following forces and means: 22-25 motorized rifle divisions, including 8-10 tank divisions, 160-180 operation-tactical rockets and tactical rockets, 3700-4100 guns and launchers of mortars, 6200-7100 tanks, more than 2000 antitank artillery and PTURC, (ATGMs) 6200-7000 BTRs (APCs) and BMPs, 600-800 combat airplanes, including 400-500 airplanes carrying nuclear weapons, 250-330 nuclear rockets and nuclear bombs, including 100-130 operational and tactical rockets and 150-200 airplanes carrying nuclear bombs. These can participate in the first nuclear strike of the front. <operations front>

2. Dimensions

The width of a front offensive is 300-400 kilometers. <operations front distance> <front in offensive operation>

The depth of a front offensive operation is 600-800 kilometers. <operations front distance>

The duration of an offensive operation is 12-15 days. <operations front time>

The average speed of a front offensive is 40-60 kilometers per day. <operations front time>

The depth of the immediate mission of the front is 250-350 kilometers. <operations front distance>

\The depth of the subsequent mission of the front is 350-500 kilometers. <operations front distance>

The width of the defense of the front is 350-400 kilometers. <operations front distance>

The distance of the first front defensive line from the main defense forward edge of the battle area (FEBA) is designated at 150 kilometers and further. <operations front distance>

The second defense line of the front is designated at a distance of 220-250 kilometers from the forward edge of the main defensive polosa, (FEBA). <operations front distance>

The overall depth of the defensive zone of the front will be 250-300 kilometers. <operations front distance>

The main positions of the front rocket brigades are prepared at a distance of 60-80 kilometers from the forward edge of the first defensive zone. <operations front distance>

Zapasnye pozitsii (alternate positions) for front rocket brigades are prepared at a distance of 15-30 kilometers from the main positions. <operations front distance>

Fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aviation of the front are situated at a distance 100-150 kilometers from the forward edge of the first defensive zone. <operations front distance>

Frontal bomber aviation is situated at a distance of 200-300 kilometers from the forward edge of the defense. <operations front distance>

The uchastok proryva fronta (sector of the grouping penetration of the front) is 27-30 kilometers. <operations front distance>

The density of artillery on the sector of breakthrough will be 90-110 guns and mortars per kilometer of the front. <operations front density>

The density of tanks on the sector of breakthrough of a combined arms army will be 40-50 tanks per kilometer of front. <operations front density>

The density of tanks on the sector of breakthrough of a tank army can reach 60-80 tanks per kilometer of front. <operations front density>

Width and depth of the position of divisional rocket battalion is 6-9 km. <operations front density>

Distance between the batteries is 2-3 km. <operations front density>

Width of the position of front rocket brigade is 40-50 km. <operations front density>

Depth of the position of front rocket brigade is 30-40 km. <operations front density>

Distance between battalion positions of the rocket brigade is 10-15 km.

Distance between battery positions is 3-4 km. <operations front density>

Distance between launchers is 2-3 km. <operations front density>

The front can destroy by its own air defense means 15-20 percent of the enemy aviation during its mass strikes. <operations front>

40-50 percent of the personnel of the field troop control elements are located at the command post. <front>

18-20 percent of the field troop control personnel are located at the forward command post. <front>


The counterpreparation fire in the defense of a front is normally conducted in the combined flanks of two armies. The sector of such fire in the front will be 20-25 kilometers wide. This means the counterpreparation takes place in the gaps between two armies, in order that the artillery of the two armies participate in the counterpreparation. <operations front distance>

The density of the artillery and mortars in the counterpreparation of the front will be 40-50 guns and mortars per kilometer of frontage. <operations front density>

The depth of the counterpreparation of the front will be 25-30 kilometers. <operations front distance>

The duration of the counterpreparation of the front will normally be 25-30 minutes. <operations front time>

Counter Preparatory Fire:
---- - Duration 20-30 minutes;
---- - Structure 2-3 fire strikes;
--- - Density of artillery 30-40 guns and mortars per km <front operations>

Front anti tank reserve deploys at a distance of 60-70 km behind the FEBA on a tank threatening direction and prepares 2-3 firing lines on each direction. The distance between firing lines is 10 km. <front operations>

Technical preparation of rockets: <front operations>
---- R-300 R-65
--- - Charging with fuel 60 minutes ----
--- - Assembly 60 minutes 25 minutes
--- - Loading 40 minutes 15 minutes

Combat composition of rocket troops: <front operations>
----1-2 rocket brigades in the front 12-24 launchers
----3-4 Army rocket brigades in the front 27-36 launchers
----22-25 divisional rocket battalions in the front 88-100 launchers
- Total=127-160 launchers

----- each R-300 launcher is allocated 2 nuclear rockets=78-120 rockets
----- each R-65 launcher is allocated 3 nuclear rockets=264-300 rockets
--- Total=342-420 rockets

Artillery groups composition: <front operations>

Regiment artillery group (PAG) 3-4 artillery battalions

Divisional artillery group (DAG) 4-6 artillery battalions

Army artillery group (AAG) 8-10 artillery battalions

Artillery preparatory fire during penetration of enemy prepared defense by the front: <front operations>
----Duration 30-40 minutes
----Artillery density per km of front 90-110 guns and mortars
----Number of strikes 3-4 fire strikes
----Time for preparation of artillery 6-8 hours
---- (maneuver and locating targets).
---- including 2 hours of daylight for coordination and confirmation of the tasks

In the first nuclear strike, the front can put out of action 10-12 enemy divisions, nuclear weapons depots (rockets and bombs), corps and army depots, and army groups command posts, and important centers of command and control of aviation and air defense. Enemy tactical aviation can partly be destroyed on airfields and the basic air defense rockets will be destroyed. <operations front>

The depth of the first nuclear strike from the line of the enemy defense can be 250 kilometers. The depth depends on the range of the nuclear rockets which are part of the army and front. If the front receives into its organization operational rockets with greater range, it can destroy the enemy more deeply. This depends on the range of the operational rockets. <operations front distance>

One to one and one half hours time, including one hour of daylight is needed for preparation of artillery for firing. The duration of the fire strikes (ognevoi udar) will be 15-20 minutes; the duration of the fire preparation (ognevoi podgotovka)during the counterblow will be 30-40 minutes. The expenditure of ammunition during the fire strikes which last 15-20 minutes will be 0.5-0.7 basic loads (boekomplekt). Fire support (ognevaia podderzhka) in carrying out a counterblow, as a rule, will be successive concentration of fire or concentrated fire or massive fire on call. <operations front>

Antitank reserves can cover the following frontages: <operations front>
---- - an antitank platoon can cover a front of up to 400 meters;
---- - an antitank battery can cover a front, the width of which is 1000-1200 meters;
---- - an antitank artillery battalion can cover a front whose width is 3500-5000 meters;
---- - an antitank regiment can cover a front whose width is 8-9 kilometers;
---- - an antitank brigade of a front can cover a front whose width is 20-25 kilometers.

The norms of artillery density on one kilometer of front during a breakthrough of a prepared enemy defense, so that it guarantees 25-30% destruction of the enemy: <operations front density>

Against a US division:
---- - to break through 4 kilometers of front 130 guns and mortars are required for each kilometer;
---- - to break through 6 kilometers of front, 120 guns and mortars are required;
---- - to break through 8 kilometers, 115 guns and mortars are required per kilometer;
---- - to break through 12 kilometers, 110 guns and mortars are required;

Against a West German division:
---- - to break through 4 kilometers of front, 120 guns and mortars are required;
---- - to break through 6 kilometers, 115 guns and mortars are required per kilometer of front;
---- - to break through 8 kilometers of front, 110 guns and mortars are required;
---- - to break through 12 kilometers, 105 guns and mortars are required;

Against an English division:
---- - to break through 4 kilometers, 115 guns and mortars are required per kilometer of front;
---- - to break through 6 kilometers of front, 110 guns and mortars are required;
---- - to break through 8 kilometers, 105 guns and mortars are required;
---- - to break through 12 kilometers, 100 guns and mortars are required;

Against a Belgian or Dutch defense:
---- - to break through 4 kilometers, 110 guns and mortars are required for each kilometer of front;
---- - to break through 6 kilometers, 105 guns and mortars are required;
---- - to break through 8 kilometers, 100 guns and mortars are required;
---- - to break through 12 kilometers of enemy defense, 95 guns and mortars are required per kilometer.

Norms of artillery requirements to destroy typical enemy objectives will be the following: <operations front>
---- - to destroy a rocket launching pad up to a distance of 10 kilometers, 6 guns are required; at a greater distance, 12 guns are required;
---- - to suppress the launching pad, at a distance of up to 10 kilometers, 6 guns are required; at greater distances, 6 guns are required;
---- - to destroy a battery (platoon) of gun, mortar, and self-propelled gun, at a distance of 10 kilometers 12 guns are required; at greater distances, 18 guns are required;
---- - to destroy a battery (platoon) of gun, mortar, and self-propelled artillery (not armored), at a distance of up to 10 kilometers, 6 guns are required; at greater distances 12 guns are required;
---- - to destroy an antiaircraft artillery battery and antiaircraft guided missile battery , at a distance of up to 10 kilometers 12 guns are required; at greater distances 18 guns are required;
---- - to destroy radar or guidance and control point, at distances up to 10 kilometers 6 guns are required; at greater distances 12 guns are required;
---- - to destroy enemy personnel at platoon strong points covering six hectares, at a distance of up to 10 kilometers 18 guns are required; at greater distances 18 guns are also required (this enemy defense will be a prepared defense); for a hasty defense, the number of guns and mortars required will be 12 at all distances;
---- - to destroy the forward command post of the division covering 8 hectares, at a distance of up to 10 kilometers 24 guns are required; for greater distances, 36 guns are required;
---- - to destroy a brigade command post whose area is 4 hectares, at a distance of 10 kilometers 12 guns are required; at greater distances 18 guns are required;
---- - to destroy a battalion command post whose area is 2 hectares, at a distance of 10 kilometers 6 guns are required; at greater distances 12 guns are required; - to destroy enemy personnel of a motorized rifle company on covered terrain in an area of concentration of 400 X 400 meters, at a distance of 10 kilometers, 54 guns are required; at greater distances 54 guns are also required; to destroy a tank company in this same area, at a distance of 10 kilometers, 54 guns are also required; at greater distances, 54 guns are also required;
---- - to destroy enemy personnel of a company that are located on open terrain, at a distance of 10 kilometers 18 guns are required; at greater distances 18 guns are also required;
---- - to suppress one motorized rifle or motorized infantry company in an area of concentration or on the march, up to one artillery battalion is required, i.e., 18 guns;
---- - one tank company in an area of concentration or on the march is suppressed by three artillery battalions, i.e., 54 guns. <operations front>

To conduct defensive barrage fire (zagraditel'nyi ogon'), for each artillery battalion three lines are designated on a dangerous axis whose width is 900 meters. The last line at a distance of 400-600 meters from the forward edge of the defense is designated. <operations front>

On the defense, one antitank weapon can destroy two enemy tanks. <operations front>

To destroy one enemy division, 10-12 nuclear rockets are required; to suppress one enemy division, 6-8 rockets are required. <operations front>

The time for the technical preparation of rockets: <operations front>
----- at readiness #3, for R-65 19 minutes are needed; for R-300, 25 minutes are needed;
--- - at readiness #2, for R-65, 16 minutes are needed; for R-300, 19 minutes are needed;
- --- for readiness #2a, for R-65, 5-7 minutes are needed; for R-300, 13 minutes are needed;
--- - for readiness #1, for R-65, one minute is needed; for R-300, 4 minutes are needed.

Maneuver capabilities for the R-300: <operations front>
---- - speed of movement - 13 kilometers per hour;
---- - time of assembly - 30 minutes;
---- - time of deployment - 40 minutes (readiness #3), 60 minutes (readiness #2);
--- - speed of movement in position area - one kilometer every three minutes;
--- - loading time - 40 minutes.

Maneuver capabilities of the R-65: <operations front>
---- - speed of movement - 30 kilometers per hour;
---- - time of assembly - 20 minutes;
---- - deployment time - 30 minutes (at readiness #3), 40 minutes (at readiness #2);
---- - speed of movement in a position area - one kilometer every three minutes;
---- - loading time - 15 minutes.

The capabilities of the rocket troops of an army with nuclear ammunition is as follows: destruction of one rocket battalion (sergeant type) and up to 2-3 enemy divisions with their tactical nuclear means, or suppression of 4-5 enemy divisions up to 40%. <operations front>

4. Air Defense

The front can destroy by its own air defense means 15-20 percent of the enemy aviation during its mass strikes. <operations front>

Forces and means of the air defense of a front which has in its composition 3 combined arms and one tank army and one air army will be the following (without consideration of the division PVO forces and means): <front> ---- 6-11 anti-air rockets of the type S-75;
---- 1-2 PVO divisions;
---- 4-8 separate antiaircraft artillery regiments of the type S-60;
---- 1-2 anti-air rocket regiments of the type C-125;
---- 1 PVO radio-technical regiment;
---- 4 PVO radio-technical battalions;
---- 2-3 fighter aviation divisions including 6-9 regiments.

The front organic means and forces of the PVO are the following: <front>
---- 2-3 PVO rocket regiments of the type C-75;
---- 1-2 PVO rocket regiments of the type C-125;
---- 1 antiaircraft artillery division;
---- 1 radio-technical regiment.

Radio-technical means of the front conduct the reconnaissance of the enemy at a depth of 300 kilometers at great and average heights and at a depth of 150 kilometers and also at very low heights, along a front of 120 kilometers. <front>

The command post of the PVO of a front simultaneously reports 40-45 objectives, while the command post of the PVO of an army reports 30 targets. <front>

Technical battalions of rocket regiments of the C-75 type in the course of 16 hours of daily work prepare 30 C-75 rockets, and technical battalions of rocket regiments of the C-125 type in the course of one hour of work prepare 16 rockets; all rocket chasti of the front in a 24 hour period work on 180-330 C-75 rockets and 250-500 C-125 rockets. <front>

C-75 rocket regiments of an army and front are located at a distance of 10-20 kilometers from the front. The distance between battalions is 10-30 kilometers. The regimental command point is located in the center where its distance should not be more than 20 kilometers from the battalions. <front>

The technical battalion deploys in the rear of rocket regiment where it is farthest rocket battalion should not exceed 30 kilometers. <front distance>

The distance between rocket battalions should not be less than 5 kilometers, so that one nuclear blast will not destroy two battalions. <front distance>

In crossing a wide water obstacle (rivers), the position of the forward air defense rocket battalions will be as follows: the C-75 rocket battalions are at a distance of 10-11 kilometers from the bank of the river; S-120 rocket battalions are at a distance of 6 kilometers from the bank. <operations front distance>

The forces and means of the front PVO are capable of destroying 15-25 percent of the enemy aviation which participates in the first massive strike. <front operations>

On a continental theater of military operations (TSMA) can participate the following PVO forces and means: <front>
soedineniia and chasti
---- of rocket troops - 100-150;
---- fighter aviation regiments - 30-40;
---- antiaircraft artillery chasti - 50-70;
---- radio-technical soedineniia and chasti- 30-40;
---- radar patrol boats - 3-4;
---- air defense artillery ships - 60-80.

The depth of the first echelon of PVO in a strategic operation will be 300-500 kilometers. <front distance>

The depth of the second echelon of PVO in a strategic operation will be 700-1000 kilometers. <front distance>

Losses of forces and means of PVO in the first nuclear strike of the enemy will be 20-35 percent, but with the use of only conventional weapons, the losses will be 5-10 percent. <front>

5. Air Army

Losses on the enemy are inflicted in the following way: bomber front aviation inflict losses on the enemy at the depth of 200-300 kilometers, and front fighter bomber aviation inflict losses on against the enemy at a distance of 100-150 kilometers from the forward edge of the defense. <operations front distance>

In an air operation when bomber and fighter-bomber aviation strike against enemy airfields, 20-30% of fighter aviation will escort and cover them during the action. <front>

During an offensive operation of the front, the main effort of the air army of the front is concentrated at a depth of 30-40 kilometers from the front line and sometimes up to 80 kilometers. <front>

During actions to support an offensive operation of the front, the air army can operate with a capability of 3-4 sorties per day. The movement of one aviation squadron from one airfield to another deployment airfield will take 30-60 minutes (including take-off, travel time, landing and replenishment). <front>

The following describes readiness # 1 for fighter aviation and fighter-bomber aviation chasti: the crew is located in the airplanes, and with the reception of a signal, the aviation regiment becomes airborne in 8-10 minutes. <front>

The following describes readiness #2 for fighter aviation and fighter bomber aviation chasti: the crew is located near the airplanes, and with the reception of a signal, the regiment becomes airborne in about 20 minutes. <front>

A bomber aviation regiment also consists of 32 planes. If the division has in its composition 3 regiments, then it will have 96 airplanes. <front>

A fighter-bomber regiment consists of 43 planes. If the division has in its composition 3 regiments, this division will have in its composition 130 fighter-bomber planes. <front>

A fighter aviation regiment consists of 43 planes. If the division has in its composition 3 regiments, then in all the division will have 130 fighter airplanes. <front>

6. Airborne

Depth of a vybroska (air drop) or a vysadka (air landing) of a strategic operational desant is 500-600 kilometers. <operations front distance>

The depth of a vybroska of an operational desant in conventional war is 150-300 kilometers, and in nuclear war, 300-400 kilometers. <operations front distance>

The depth of a vybroska of an operational-tactical desant under conditions of use of conventional means is 100-150 kilometers, and under conditions of nuclear weapons, 250-300 kilometers. <operations front distance>

The depth of a vybroska of a tactical desant is 50-100 kilometers or more. <operations front distance>

An airborne division can continue its operation independently for 6-7 days. <operations front>

The division is dropped at a distance so that, after 2-3 days, the main forces reach the area of the division landing. This distance will be 150-300 kilometers from the front line. <operations front>

7. Reconnaissance

The recon company of spetsnaz of a division can detach 9 recon groups and sends them into the rear of the enemy. The recon company of spetsnaz of an army organizes 8 recon groups and sends them into the rear of the enemy. Each group in the course of a 24 hour period can recon two objectives, each in an area 40-50 square kilometers. <plan front>

A front recon battalion of spetsnaz can organize 35-40 recon groups and send them into the enemy rear. <front plan>

A front which can have 20-25 divisions, can create 250-300 recon groups of spetsnaz. <front plan>

Each group receives 1-2 missions and after the vybroska or vysadka in the course of 5-6 hours they begin to report information about the enemy. <front plan>
An operational recon aviation regiment has 30 bomber aircraft. <front>

A tactical recon aviation regiment has 40 fighter and fighter-bomber aircraft. <front>

In each bomber, fighter-bomber, and fighter aviation regiment can be organized one eskadril'ia (squadron) with 10-12 aircraft as non-organic recon squadrons. <front>

An air army which has five divisions and three recon aviation regiments can have 287 recon aircraft and 377 pilots, including 60 tactical recon aircraft and 30 operational recon aircraft.

Tactical reconnaissance is conducted at a depth of 400-500 kilometers. <front>

Operational reconnaissance is carried out at a depth of 800-1000 kilometers from the line of the first echelon of the front. <operations front distance>

15 percent of the non-organic reconnaissance aviation is designated for carrying out reconnaissance. In this case the recon aviation on the first day will carry out 500-700 flights. Reconnaissance crews in an area of 10-15 kilometers can reconnoiter 2-3 targets in one flight. <front>

A separate radio battalion (osnaz) has in its composition three radio intercept companies and a radio direction finder (pelengator), and one recon helicopter, and the battalion sets up 33 posts, including 23 radio interceptor and 10 radio direction finder posts. <front>

A separate radio-technical battalion (osnaz) has in its composition three radio-technical companies and one recon helicopter, and the battalion can set up 35 posts, including 24 radio-technical and 11 radio interceptor posts. The battalion can carry out ground reconnaissance to a depth of up to 60-120 kilometers and air reconnaissance to a depth of 300-350 kilometers. <front>

The radio and radio-technical recon company of the division has in its composition 3 radio interceptor and direction finder and one radio-technical platoon. The company can set up to 5 radio interceptor and 3 radio direction finder and three radio-technical posts. <front>

The depth of radio reconnaissance is 25-30 kilometers, and of radio-technical reconnaissance is 60 kilometers. <front distance>

A separate front radio regiment (osnaz) has in its composition 2 radio interceptor battalions and 5 radio direction finder companies, and one radio relay recon company. The regiment even has recon helicopter, and a laboratory. The regiment can set up 125 posts, including 97 radio interceptor and 28 radio direction finder posts. <front>

Radio direction finder posts can conduct reconnaissance at a distance of 1000 kilometers on a front with a width of 500 kilometers. The radio interceptor can conduct reconnaissance to a depth up to 2000 kilometers. <front distance>

A separate front radio-technical regiment has in its composition 2 radio-technical battalions and one radio interceptor battalion and one aviation recon zveno (flight), and a laboratory. The regiment can organize 97 posts, including 46 radio-technical and 50 radio interceptor posts. The aviation recon zveno has 2 airplanes which have radio-technical means. The regiment can conduct reconnaissance at a depth of 500-2000 kilometers. <front>

In the composition of every front there are 3-4 tactical pilotless aviation squadrons. Each squadron has 4 aviation zveno. The squadron can conduct in all 36 pilotless recon launches. <front>

Each squadron is redesignated for reconnaissance of the first echelon army and is given over to them. <front>

The tactical pilotless recon squadron can conduct reconnaissance as follows: <front>
---- at a height of 600 meters the flight radius is 80-100 kilometers;
---- at a height of 3000 meters the flight radius is 150-170 kilometers;
---- at a height of 7000 meters, the flight radius will be 200- 250 kilometers.

The time of flight is 45 minutes, the width of photography is 5 kilometers, the overall range of photography is 75 kilometers. <front>

The second echelon of radar is organized by forces of the front. It is situated 50 kilometers from the forward edge. <front>

During the organization of the first offensive operation, the radar means of the army do not operate, but the reconnaissance of the enemy is conducted with front equipment. On the front of the army 2-4 radar posts of the front will be located. <front>

B.) Army

1. Dimensions

The uchastok proryva (penetration sector) for the army is designated at a width of 10-12 kilometers. <operations army distance>

The peredovoi kommandnyi punkt armii (forward command post of an army) in an offensive operation is located at a distance of 10-15 kilometers from the forward line of the first echelon division of the army. <operations army distance>

The kommandnyi punkt armii (command post of an army) is designated at a distance of 30-50 kilometers from the forward edge of the first echelon of the army. <operations army distance>

The tylovoi punkt upravleniia armii (rear command and control post of an army) is located at a distance of 10-15 kilometers from the army command post. <operations army distance>

The peredovoi komandnyi punkt divizii (division forward command post) is located at a distance of up to 5 kilometers from the enemy defense. <operations army distance>

The width of an army polosa (zone) in the defense is 100-150 kilometers, and under conditions of mountainous terrain, in the Arctic or northern regions, deserts and in the coastal regions it will be greater. <operations army distance>

The depth of the defense polosa of an army will reach 100-120 kilometers, and even up to 150 kilometers. <operations army distance>

The forward position is established in front of the forward edge of the defense of the army at a distance of 3-5 kilometers. <operations army distance>

The polosa obespecheniia (security zone) is prepared in front of the first defense position at a depth of 15-20 kilometers. <operations army distance>

The distance of the second defensive polosa (zone) of the army from the forward edge of the first defensive polosa (zone) of the army is 40-50 kilometers. <operations army distance>

The distance of the third defensive polosa (zone) of the army from the forward edge of the first defensive polosa (zone) is 80-100 kilometers. <operations army distance>

The distance of the command post of an army on the defense is 50-80 kilometers from the forward edge of the defense. <operations army distance>

The army rocket brigade in the defense deploys at a distance of 60-80 kilometers from the forward edge of the first defensive polosa(zone). <operations army distance>

The distance between the lines of zagraditel'nyi ogon' (defensive barrage fire) in the defense will be 400-600 meters, and the distance of close defensive fire in front of the forward edge (barrage of all types of weapons) will be 400 meters from the forward edge of the defense. <operations army distance>

The zone of continuous antitank fire in front of the forward edge of the defense is prepared at a distance of 2-2.5 kilometers. <operations army distance>

Gun artillery and reaktivnaia artilleriia (rocket artillery) strikes against an attacking enemy at a distance of 15-25 kilometers from the forward edge of the defense. <operations army distance>

Howitzer artillery strikes against an attacking enemy at a distance of 10-15 kilometers from the forward edge of the defense. <operations army distance>

For the organization of the counterpreparation of the artillery, for an artillery division 3-4 hours is necessary, and for an army artillery, 6-8 hours are needed. <operations army time>

In the counterpreparation in the defense, the density of artillery will be 30-40 guns and mortars per kilometer of front. <operations army density>

In conducting the counterpreparation in the defense in an army, there will be in all 400-500 guns and mortars. <operations army>

The counterpreparation sector in the defense of an army is designated at 10-15 kilometers in width and in depth. With the participation of the air army of the front, the depth will be greater and will reach 20-30 kilometers. <operations army distance>

The time of the duration of the counterpreparation in the defense will be 25-40 minutes. <operations army time>

2. Artillery

Some norms for the use of artillery in operation of a front and an army: while carrying out a counterblow and in repelling an enemy counterblow, the density of artillery will be 50-60 guns and mortars per kilometer of front. <operations army division>

The army has 24-34 nuclear rocket launchers. In the initial nuclear strike, up to 25 nuclear rocket launchers of the army can participate. In the offensive operation, the army rocket brigade can destroy targets located at a distance of 240-270 kilometers in the depth of the enemy, since the brigade will take up positions at a distance of 30-60 kilometers from the FLOT. In the defensive operation, the army rocket brigade can destroy targets located at a distance of 220-240 kilometers in the depth of the enemy, since the brigade deploys at a distance of 60-80 km from FLOT. In the attack, the division's rocket battalion can destroy targets located at a distance of 55 km in front of friendly FLOT since the battalion take up fire position 10 km in depth. In defense, divisional rocket battalion can hit targets located 45-50 km in front of friendly FLOT since the battalion deploys 15-20 km in depth.

3. Air Defense

The army organic means and forces of the PVO are the following: <army>
---- 1-2 PVO rocket regiments of the type S-75;
---- 1-2 antiaircraft rocket regiments of the type S-60;
---- one radio-technical battalion.

The composition of an army of the PVO of the country is not constant. It depends on the mission, importance, direction, and nature of the TSMA, and on the number of targets which are being defended. <army>

The PVO army, which has in its composition 1-2 corps and 2-4 PVO divisions, will have the following forces and means: <army>
---- 5-7 PVO rocket brigades;
---- 15-20 PVO rocket regiments;
---- 6-12 fighter aviation regiments;
---- 3-6 radio-technical regiments or brigades;
---- one separate radio-technical regiment of spetsnaz;
---- 2-3 separate radio battalions of spetsnaz;
---- a signal center and engineer, chemical, rear services and other units.

4. Reconnaissance

An army recon artillery regiment has in its composition 2 battalions: the first battalion has in its composition one sound ranging battery (zvukovaia razvedka), one radio-technical recon battery, one optical recon battery; the second battalion has a photography battery, a topogeodetic battery, and a meteorological service battery. <army>

An army PVO radio-technical battalion can conduct reconnaissance on a front of 160 kilometers (at great heights and average heights); on a front of 80 kilometers, (at low and very low heights) at a depth of 80-100 kilometers. <army>

An army PVO radio-technical battalion has in its composition 4 companies. The battalion is deployed in two echelons. In the first echelon are deployed two companies at a distance of 10 kilometers from the forward edge. The distance between the two companies is 50 kilometers. On the front of the army, two companies are situated in the first echelon, and two companies will be in the reserve to build up the radar posts in the course of the offensive. <army>

An army PVO radio-technical battalion in the course of an offensive operation will relocate once in 24-36 hours at a distance of 30-50 kilometers. <army>

C.) Division

The second echelon of the division is situated at a distance of 10-12 kilometers from the podrazdelenie of the first echelon. The division artillery is located at a distance of 3-5 kilometers from the enemy's defense. <operations division distance>

The iskhodnyi raion (departure area) for the first echelon division of the army is designated at a distance 20-40 kilometers from the national border. <operations division distance>

The vyzhidatel'nyi rayon (assembly area) of the second echelon division of the army is designated at a distance of 40-60 kilometers from the first echelon division of the army. <operations division distance>

The distance of the division command post from the enemy defense is 10 kilometers. <operations division distance>

The tylovoi punkt upravleniia divizii (division rear command post) and the tyl divizii (rear services of the division) is located at a distance of 40 kilometers from the enemy defense. <operations division distance>

The width of the defense region of a battalion of the first echelon will reach up to 5 kilometers. <operations division distance>

The depth of the defense region of a battalion will be 2 kilometers. <operations division distance>

The depth of each defensive position normally occupied by battalions will be up to two kilometers. <operations division distance>

A battalion deploys or defends in one position. <operations division distance>

The distance between positions is 2 to 5 kilometers. <operations division distance>

The width of a defense uchastok (sector) of a regiment will be up to 10 kilometers. <operations division distance>

The depth of a regimental defense sector will be also up to 10 kilometers. This means that a regiment defends at two positions: at the first position the first echelon battalions defend, and at the second position the battalions of the second echelon are deployed <operations division distance>

The depth of the division defense polosa (zone) will be up to 25 kilometers. <operations division distance>

The width of the division defense polosa (zone) on the axis of the enemy's main attack will be up to 30 kilometers. <operations division distance>

The depth of reconnaissance of a division will be 100 kilometers; the depth of reconnaissance of an army will be 400-500 kilometers; the depth of reconnaissance of a front will be 1000-1500 kilometers. <division>

In all, in the composition of a motorized rifle division there are 114 Strela 2M SAMs; in all a tank division has 69 Strela 2M SAMs. <division>

In the composition of a division there is 1 antiaircraft regiment of the type C-60. <division>

A regiment of the first echelon of a division crosses water obstacles by assault and ferry (rafts) crossings. The second echelon regiment also uses bridge crossings. <operations division>

The forcing of a river takes place as follows: <operations division>
---- a narrow river, width of up to 60 meters - by the forces of a division;
---- an average size river, width of 60-150 meters - by the forces and means of army engineer troops;
---- a wide river, width of more than 150 meters, - by the forces and means of front engineer troops.

Additional Division Level Norms:

--- - March on foot
--- - Duration per day 7 - 9 hours
--- - Speed 4 - 5 Km/L Ski 5 - 7 Km/L
--- - Daily march 30 - 45 Km
--- - Short halts 20 - 30 minutes after every 2 - 3 hours.
--- - (for foot columns) 10 minutes after every 50 minutes.
--- - First short halt after 1 - 2 hours.
--- - First short halt (foot) after every 30 minutes.
--- - Long halts 2 - 4 hours after the beginning of the second half of the distance.
--- - In short halts the distance between vehicles in bn columns is reduced to 10m.
--- - SL (sp) at least 3 KM (on bn column) 10 - 20 KM.
--- - RL after 2 - 3 hours movement (after short half not before).
--- - Forward detachment at a distance of 2 hours travel time or more.
--- - Rear in anticipation of meeting engagement 10 - 20 Km, otherwise 5 Km from main column.
--- - Distance between Bn's 3 - 5 KM
--- " Regt or Bde's 5 - 10 KM
--- " Vehicles 25 - 50 M
--- - Characteristic of ME while troops clash with enemy reserve (maneuver from rear).
--- - Characteristic of ME while troops counter attack enemy (1st echelon support).
--- - All characteristics of a modern ME (swift advance, no clarity of situation, drastic changes, swift moving pace of combat operations, intensive struggle to gain time and to seize and hold the initiative, freedom of maneuver, gaps and open flanks organization of control and coordination of force in the shortest time).
------ 25-30 x 2=50=60

--- situation changes rapidly

Contest to open fire, deployment, terrain and initiative part contains the enemy, while main body deploys to the flank:
---- maneuver, large front, gaps.
-- - Recon continuously very crucial.
-- - Recon elements: Div + Bde Rgt recon groups plus aircraft, fire
--- direction, superiors.
-- - Immediate mission of division: First echelon of enemy division and seizure of artillery positions and advantageous line in depth of enemy dispositions.
-- - Immediate mission of Regt. (depends on its place in Div.), for Regt. attacking in the main sector: destruction of first echelon of enemy Bde and capture of favorable line. For Regt. in containing sector: immediate mission: inflict heavy losses on enemy by fire and capture a line which will provide favorable condition for maneuver and strike of main body.
-- - Zone of ops of regt. 6 - 8 km (gaps between Bn's).
-- - Zone of ops of Div. 15 - 20 km or more (COM): Aim of march, distance, time alloted, number of routes alloted, SL, RL area of concentration, average speed, nature of ops when reach the objective, possible condition of deployment for battle during the march, concept of senior Co. in meeting engagement.
-- - Route measured on the map: plus 5 - 10% in average terrain and 20% in mountainous terrain.
-- - Length of traffic control, section 50 - 80 km.
-- - Traffic control post (2 - 3 soldier) lead by an NCO or officer: Crossing, mountain passes, large population areas.
-- - Regulate post in intersection, population center, when troops leave the highway (2 soldiers).
-- - Additional recon when main body deploys.
-- - Artillery open fire as batteries are ready. Later control becomes more centralized.
-- - Div. CO should not wait for situation to become clear to make decision.
-- - Bn's immediate mission depends on its location: advance detachment seize a line and hold it, employ all its fire against leading enemy units and to support advance of friendly main fire.
-- - Advance guard: destroy enemy security subunit, contain enemy main force and support deploy of friendly main force.
-- - Bn in main force: destroy enemy 1st echelon. Bn in it's sector, destroy or capture enemy artillery, seize line favorable for subsequent advance.
-- - Mining by artillery currently.
-- - Artillery take position behind the deployment line where it can cover the enemy to the depth of no less than half of its range.
-- - Artillery prep force one or several artillery strikes.
-- - Move speed on ski's 5 - 7 km/h.
-- - A driver moves the gear shift and steering mechanism alone at least 6000 times the total equivalent mass moved by a driver in a day is 150 - 200 tons.
-- - Today driver's work norm is 10 - 12 hr driving.
-- - Breaching lane in mine fields along the road are made by VOD (tanks with mine clearing attachments) or manually, each tank clears 2 tracks along which dismounted units following the tanks cross, tank, APC's, etc., can negotiate along lanes at least 5 - 6 m wide, cleared either manually explosive or travels of mines attached to tanks.

Vehicle Movement Norms

Type of vehicles speed of movement Range in Life span of --- Max. Avg. terms of Operation --- on rd. dirt. fuel tank Eng./Tracks

Medium Tank 50 35 27 440-500 6000-9000/3000

Light Tank 44 35 25 260 4500-7500/3000

BMP 70-85 50 25 500-600 -- /2000

APC's 80 50 25 500-600 -- /--

Towing vehicle 40-55 25-30 20 250-300 /2500

Motor vehicle 60-90 50 25 500-650 -- /--

Marching Columns Speed of march (km) Length of daily march Day Night Hours Km

Motorized march column

on paved roads 30-40 25-30 10-12 250-350

on dry dirt roads 20-25 18-20 10-12 180-300

on muddy dirt roads and cities 10-15 8-10 10-12 80-180

Tanks and Combined march column: ||

paved roads 20-30 15-20 10-12 200-250

dry dirt roads 15-20 12-15 10-12 200-250

muddy dirt roads and cities 10-12 8-12 10-12 80-120

Daily breakdown of time in marches:
---- March 10 - 12 hours
---- Tech maintenance 2 - 4 hours
---- Serving hot meals 1 - 1.5 hours
---- Forming and deploying of column and concealment 1 - 1.5 hour
---- Movement to start line 1 - 1.5 hours
---- Rest 4 - 8 hours

- Division without heavy equipment may be transported by air to a distance of 1700 Km in 7 hours

- Needed 800 AH-12 aircraft or 4 aviation transport divisions

- Move by ships: 30 - 35 ships each 2.5 - 3 thousand tons or 16 - 20 ships each 4000-5000 T or 7 - 8 ships each 12000-13000 T

- Railroad: 50 - 60 pair of trains
---- Depth of Division column:
---- on two axes 80 - 100 Km
---- 3 - 4 axes 40 - 50 Km
--- 3 axes without security 70-80 Km

- Radio and radio-technical convoy of Division=3 platoons of interception and radio direction. The front platoon can establish 5 interception posts, 3 direction finding posts, 3 radio-technical posts

- Depth of recon 25 - 30 Km RT=60 Km

- Radio interception numbers 3 - 4 radio nets

- Radio direction net of 2 - 3 posts 30 verified fixes an hour

- RT can take a bearing of an average of 20-30 radar stations

per hour and can determine their tech specification
- SNAR - 2 ground targets M-16 Km
water targets up to 38 Km
- Sound ranging battery deploys 4 - 6 Km covers 6 - 8 Km, depth of recon 18 Km
- Flush spotting battery deploys 5 Km covers 6 - 8 Km, depth of recon 12 - 15 Km
- Recon detachment (Coy) 4 - 5 Km sector Div 30-40 Km
Rgt 20-25 Km
- Recon group of 4-5 platoons
- RCP 6 - 8 Km from Bn

D.) General

The forward edge of the polosa perekrytiia (covering zone) is designated at a distance of 1-5 kilometers from the national border. The depth of the covering can reach 15-20 kilometers. <operations distance>

During a war or a threat of enemy attack, 30 percent of the rockets are always on call so that they can participate in the first nuclear strike. <operations>

The safe distance of advancing troops from the centers of nuclear blasts will be the following, under conditions when the troops are located on the terrain. This means that the personnel are located on the terrain and not inside the tanks (or, they ,may be located inside BTRs that do not have overhead covering): <operations distance>
---- for a 5 kiloton blast the safe distance is 2.4 kilometers; for a 10 kiloton blast, 3 kilometers;
---- for a 20 kiloton blast, 3.8 kilometers;
---- for a 30 kiloton blast, 4.4 kilometers;
---- for a 40 kiloton blast, 5.2 kilometers;
---- for a 100 kiloton blast, 6.5 kilometers;
---- for a 200 kiloton blast, 8.2 kilometers;
---- for a 300 kiloton blast, 9.4 kilometers.

If the troops are not warned of a nuclear blast, this distance increases as follows: <operations distance>
---- by 4.5 times with a 5-10 kiloton blast;
---- by 3.5 times with 20, 30, 40, and 100 kiloton blast;
---- by 2.5 times with 200 and 300 kiloton blasts.
At night these distances increase by two times.

The Soviet Union uses space reconnaissance means at a distance of 200-250 kilometers above the Earth. With these means the Soviet Union photographs a 40-50 kilometer zone in a single flight. <operations distance>

In the western theater of military operations, after every 150-300 kilometers there flows a broad river whose width is greater than 150 meters; after every 30-60 kilometers there flows an average-size river whose width is up to 100 meters. All these rivers flow from the south to the north. <operations distance>

The plan nastupatel'noi operatsii (plan for offensive operation) of an army is worked out on a map of a scale of either 1:100,000 or 1:200,000. <operations plan map>

The planning of a front defensive operation, as a rule, will be developed on a map scaled at 1:500,000 or 1:200,000. <plan map>

The plan of a front offensive operation is prepared on a map scaled at 1:500,000 or 1:200,000. <plan map>

The plan of the march of an army is worked out on a map scaled 1:500,000 or 1:200,000. <plan map>

The reconnaissance plan of the army in the defense is created for 5-6 days. <plan>

Areas of crossings over water obstacles: the forward detachments can cross average size rivers in 2-2.5 hours; a first echelon division can cross an average size river in 5-7 hours; an army can cross an average size river in 12-15 hours. <time>

For each first echelon division the following crossing sites are established: a minimum of 4-6 assault crossings (1-2 for each first echelon battalion, and, 4-6 raft crossing sites for each tank battalion), one bridge crossing, or 3-5 underwater tank crossings or fording. <time>




To carry out engineer work of the first order, 5-6 hours are needed (in the defense); for carrying out engineer work of the second order on the scale of an army, 4-5 days are need. For the organization of a complete defense on the scale of a front, 8-10 days are needed. <support front time>

Below are described some norms associated with the engineering troops. <support>

A self-propelled tracked amphibious vehicle (GSP - gusenichnaia samokhodnaia plavaiushchaia mashina) is designated to ferry tanks. It can ferry loads of up to 52 tons. On highways, the speed of movement is 40 kilometers per hour, and in water it is 8-10 km/hour. As part of the assault crossing company of an engineer battalion of the division; there are three of these vehicles; there are 20 of these vehicles in an assault crossing battalion of an army. <support>

PMZ (as in PMZ-4) means trailered minelayer (pritsepnyi minnyi zagraditel'). The basic load is 200 mines, and the crew consists of 5 men. <support>

The time for laying one basic load is 15-20 minutes; the time for reloading 10-15 minutes. With one basic load, 800 meters-l kilometer can be mined. Three vehicles together are used for the mining. The transport speed is up to 40 km/hr, and the speed of mining is 4-6 kilometers per hour. <support>

In an engineer company of a motorized rifle or tank regiment there are three vehicles, and in an engineer mine laying battalion there are 18 vehicles. In an engineer battalion of the division there are 3 vehicles. <support>

The engineering chasti and podrazdeleniia of an army are as follows: <support>
---- the combat engineer regiment - 1;
---- engineer-road and bridge construction regiment - 1;
---- pontoon-bridge regiment - 1;
---- assault crossing battalion - 1;
---- engineer obstacle battalion - 1;
---- engineer company of the command post - 1;
---- engineer recovery and repair company - 1;
---- engineer company of the rear - 1.

For the reinforcement of an army they can receive the following chasti and podrazdeleniia: <support>
---- pontoon-bridge regiment or battalion - 1;
---- assault crossing battalion -1;
---- combat engineer battalion - 1 or 2;
---- engineer road and bridge battalion - 1 or 2;
---- engineer obstacle clearing battalion - 1.

Dopuskaemye dozy oblucheniia iadernykh vzryvov (allowable doses of radiation from nuclear blasts) for personnel are the following: <support medical>
----once in the course of every four days - up to 50 roentgens; several times in the course of 10-30 days - 100 roentgens; several times in the course of 3 months - up to 200 roentgens; several times in the course of one year - 300 roentgens.

The degree of contamination of nuclear blasts fall into the following parameters: <support medical>
----the average zone of destruction (zone A): contamination doses on an external border - 40 roentgens, and on an internal border - 400 roentgens; the zone of strong contamination (zone B): on an external border - 400 roentgens, and on an internal border - 1200 roentgens;
----the a zone of dangerous contamination (zone C): for an external border - 1200 roentgens, and for an internal border - 4000 roentgens; the zone of extremely dangerous contamination (zone D): for an external border - 4000 roentgens, and for an internal border - 10,000 roentgens.

@). Tactical and Technical Characteristics of PBO Weapons
Description SAM C-75 SAM C-125 Strela 2-M
Maximum range to destroy 56 km 25 km 4200 m moving away air targets 2800 m closing in
Minimum range to destroy 7 km 6 km 500 m air targets
Maximum altitude to 30 km 18 km 2000 m moving away destroy air targets
Minimum altitude to 50 km 25 km 50 m destroy air targets
Speed of target to be 3000 km/h 2520 km/h 950 km/h destroyed
Number of landing devices 6 4 --- in one unit
Time to deploy from march 2.5 hrs 2.5 hrs 10 seconds
Time to assemble 2.15 hrs 2 hrs 5 seconds
Speed of movement 35 km/h 35 km/h vehicle speed
Firing course 1.5-2 min 1-1.5 min 30 seconds
Probable attrition of target by one fire
- radio jamming situation .45-.72 0.4 not jamming sensitive
- in absence of jamming .66-.77 0.7 0.22-0.26
#.) Main Tactical and Technical Features of Air Defense Artillery
Features ZPU-4 ZSU-57-2 ZSU-23-4 57 mm 100 mm
---- (C-60) (KC-19)
Range in meters 2500 6000 2500 750-6000 750-12700
Altitude of target (m) 10-20000 4000 10-15000 300-5000 300-12000
Speed of target 2000 1260 1000 1520 1520 (km/h)
Number of barrels 4 2 4 1 1
Time to deploy (min) 1.2 1.0 5 14-20 14-20
Time to assemble " 1.5 1.0 5 8-10 8-10
Firing course 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 2 min 2 min
Speed of movement 50 35-40 50 40-50 30-40
Speed of fire of 600 120-100 3600-4000 50-60 20
one barrel
Basic ammunition 4800 300 2000 200 150 load per minute
Probable attrition 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.54
or target p1 in 1 fire 1 weapon in regt in one fire
one fire

$.) Tactical and Technical Characteristics of Radars
Features P-12 P-15 P-40
Mission observation observation observation and guidance
Observation range of aircraft in KM in the following altitudes:
--- 100 m --- 20-25 ---
--- 500 m 60 km 70 km 65 km
--- 1000 m 70 km 90 km 80 km
--- 5000 m 150 km 160 km 130 km
--- 10000 m 220 km --- 30 km
Altitude limit of 25 km 6 km 30 km observation (surveillance)
Time to deploy 1 hour 10 min 15 min
Time to switch (turn on) 6 min 5 min 5 min

Engineer chasti of a front are as follows: <support>
- engineer road and bridge brigade - 1, which can include 3 engineer bridge battalions, 3 engineer road battalions, one engineer reconnaissance company; -
combat engineer regiment - 1, which can include 1 engineer reconnaissance company, 1 engineer camouflage company, 1 engineer position battalion, 3 combat engineer battalions; - pontoon-bridge regiment - 1 or 2;
- engineer camouflage battalion - 1, which can include 2 engineer camouflage companies, 1 engineer technical company, one antiradio camouflage platoon;
- assault crossing battalion - 1;
- engineer obstacle clearing battalion - 1;
- engineer obstacle battalion - 1;
- engineer battalion of the command post - 1;
- engineer repair battalion - 2 or 3;
- engineer assembly parts company (inzhenernaia rota agregatov) 1 or 2;
- engineer company of the rear command post - 1.

For the reinforcement of a front, the following chasti and podrazdeleniia may be attached: <support> 2-3 engineer bridge regiments;
2-3 pontoon bridge brigades;
2-3 engineer road and bridge construction brigades or regiments;
2-3 combat engineer brigades or regiments.

The composition of the front troops can consist of the following technical means: <support> PMP (pontonno-mostovoi park - pontoon-bridge park) - 11-12 komplekty;
PTS (plavaiushchoe transportnoe sredstvo - amphibious transport means) - 210-260;
GSP (gusenichnaia samokhodnaia plavaiushchaia mashina - self-propelled tracked amphibious vehicle) - 110.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the BTM (bystrokhodnaia transheinaia mashina - high speed trencher): There are 2 BTM in a division engineer battalion, 9 in each fortification battalion of the combat engineer regiments of an army and front. The vehicle can dig, in one hour of operation, 300-400 meters of trenches at a depth of 1 meter 10 centimeters. The running distance on one fuelling is 500 kilometers; the running on chain is 3,500 kilometers (in terms of chain life and track life). The speed is 35 km/hr. The weight of the vehicle is 27 tons per vehicle. <support>

Tactics and technical characteristics of the PMP (pontonno-mostovoi park): it is designated for the establishment of Pontoon crossing sites. In the engineer battalion of the division there is 0.5 set (komplekt). In the engineer pontoon-bridge regiment of an army and front there are 2 sets (komplekty). One set (komplekt) can load 36 vehicles. From one set (komplekt), the following structures can be set up: <support> - one bridge with a load capacity of 20 tons and length of 382 meters; - one bridge with a load capacity of 60 tons and length of 227 meters; - two bridges with lengths of 119 meters each; or 16 ferries (rafts) with a load capacity of 40 tons in the course of 8 minutes; - 10 ferries (rafts) with load capacity of 60 tons in the course of 10 minutes; - 8 ferries (rafts) with load capacity of 80 tons in 12 minutes.

The time for construction of a bridge with a load capacity of 60 tons is 30 minutes; the time for constructing a bridge with a load capacity of 20 tons is 50 minutes. The time for dismantling the bridge is 10-15 minutes. <support>

An engineer road company, in one hour's work, can construct 8-10 kilometers of road. <support>

A combat engineer regiment of an army, is normally attached to first echelon divisions. In the course of one night, the regiment can create 54 lanes in mine fields. In 10 hours' work, the regiment can construct 150-300 kilometers of column path. The regiment, in 10 hours' work, can dig out 30-35 kilometers of trenches. In 10 hours' work the regiment can dig out 250-300 trenches for tanks and combat vehicles. <support>

The engineer road and bridge construction regiment of an army prepares "rokads" (lateral routes of communication parallel to the front) and front roads of the army. In 10 hours the regiment can, by its road construction battalions, repair 120-200 kilometers of road. In 10 hours the regiment can, by its road construction battalions, establish 160-300 kilometers of column path. <support>

Pontoon-bridge regiment of an army establishes Army crossing sites on a water obstacle. In one hour the regiment can set up the following: <support> - one 60-ton bridge with a length of 443 meters or; - one bridge with a load capacity of 20 tons, length of 760 meters or; - 20 ferries (rafts), each having a 60 ton load capacity or; - 16 ferries (rafts), each with a load capacity of 80 tons or; -12 ferries (rafts), each with a load capacity of 110 tons.

An assault crossing battalion is normally given to first echelon divisions, or the battalion remains in the reserve of the army. The battalion can cross two tank companies or up to one and one half artillery with its towing vehicles of 10 tons. <support>

The engineer obstacle battalion of an army is normally used as part of mobile obstacle detachment of the army. The battalion can lay a set of 3600 anti-tank mines over a length of 5 kilometers. In two hours, 18 sets (komplekt) of guided field mines (upravliaemye miny polia) can be laid on up to 2 kilometers of front. <support>

An engineer company of construction of Army rear command post can, in a 24 hour period, produce 6,000 cubic meters of work. <support>

One bridge construction company is designated for building under water bridges. <support>

The following medical chasti are components of the rear services of an army: <support medical> - 10-12 separate medical detachments in a combined arms army (OMO);
- 6 separate medical detachments in a tank army (OMO);
- a separate ambulance company (ASR);
- a separate anti-epidemic medical detachment (ASPEO);
- an army medical reinforcement detachment (OMU);
- a veterinary-epizootic detachment (VEO).

Army medical anti-epidemic detachment and reserve medical detachment, and army medical reinforcement detachment are situated between the first and second echelon of the army near the command post of the Army. Separate medical detachments and recovery and repair subunits (podrazdeleniia), which are given over to reinforce first echelon divisions operate in the polosa nastupleniia (offensive zone) of the division. <support medical>

Medical support of an army: During World War II losses of personnel were 0.8 - 1.0 percent in a 24 hour period. With the use of nuclear weapons, this loss of personnel would be 3.07-5.30 percent per day. In all operation there will be 27-42 percent losses. With the use of conventional weapons, losses will be 1.10-1.30 percent in a 24 hour period, while in the entire operation this will be 7.40-10.40 percent. Each medical battalion of a division and separate medical detachment can take in a 24 hour period up to 500 men. The evacuation capability of a medical battalion of a division is 80 sick and wounded per trip; a separate medical detachment can evacuate 160 men on one trip; the medical ambulance company of the army can evacuate up to 1000 sick and wounded per trip. <support medical>

Forward hospital bases of the front number up to 6. The capacity of each base is 6500 beds. Each base has 13 separate hospitals, such as a mobile surgical unit, mobile therapeutic unit, and a mobile neuropathological unit, as well as others. There are also various uchrezhdeniia and chasti and podrazdeleniia which are discussed in detail in the lectures. <support medical>

A front has 2-3 rear hospital bases. The overall capacity of a rear hospital base of a front is 20,000 beds, including 5900 beds in mobile hospitals and 14,100 beds in evacuation hospitals. The base is situated in 2-3 regions near the railroad. It has 48 various hospitals/units, including a medical ambulance company, a special medical support battalion, and other uchrezhdeniia which are discussed in detail in the lectures concerning the rear in an offensive operation. <support medical>

The forward hospital bases of the front approach near the centers of large personnel losses, and they are situated at a distance of 40-50 kilometers from the front line. <support medical>

Medical support in front offensive operation: with the use of nuclear weapons, losses of personnel for the entire operation will be 35-40%; in a 24 hour period losses will be 2-2.06%. In accordance with the type of weapons, losses will be as follows: <support medical> - nuclear weapons - 16-18 %; - conventional weapons (artillery fire, rifle, and aviation) - 6-7 %; - chemical weapons - 5-6%; biological weapons - 1.5-2%; disease - 1.5-2%.

The greatest losses will be during the first nuclear strike: losses will be up to 33% of all losses. With the use of conventional weapons, losses for the entire operation will be 12-13%; on the average, in a 24 hour period losses will be 0.7-0.9%. With respect to the above mentioned losses, 120,000-130,000 hospital beds, including 40,000-50,000 at the beginning of the operation will be needed. The fact that a front does not have such a quantity of beds means that 2 men will have to be put on one bed to provide for the treatment of the sick and wounded (each bed is multiplied by two). <support medical>




In the western theater of strategic military operations (TSMA), in the eastern zone of the theater are few rail and motor roads. On a width of 150-200 kilometers there are 1-2 rail lanes and up to three vehicular roads which allow 7000-8000 vehicles per 24 hour period. There are 4-6 dirt roads (motor). <logistics distance>

The distance of movement from the Dnieper River to the Rhine is an average of 1500-1600 kilometers. <logistics distance>

The length of daily movement may be 300-400 kilometers. <logistics distance>

At a distance of 1000-1500 kilometers, the length of the movement in a 24-hour period can be 300-350 kilometers. <logistics distance>

During World War II, some corp moved on the average of 250-300 kilometers in a twenty-four hour period. <logistics distance>

1.) Capabilities of Exploitation of Maneuver of Basic Types of Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles
Type of Vehicle Speed (km/hr) ------Range in terms of Average ----------Max POL on paved roads Paved Roads -----------------Dirt Roads
--Medium Tank ---------35 -------------------27 -------------------------------------50 -----------------------------440---------------------------------550
--Light Tank ------------35 -------------------25------------------------------------- 44 -----------------------------260
--BMP ------------up to 50 --------------------25 ------------------------------------70-85 --------------------------260
--APCs -----------------50-------------------- 25 -------------------------------------80------------------------------ 500-600
Towing Vehicle -------25-30 ---------------15-20 ----------------------------------40-55 ---------------------------250-300
Wheeled Vehicles -----50 --------------------25 ------------------------------------60-90 ----------------------------500-650 -
Type of Vehicle Range (km) in Terms of Distance Engine Life Track Life
Medium Tank -------------6000----------------------------------9000 -----------------3000
Light Tank---------------- 4500----------------------------------7500------------------ 3000
BMP ----------------------- 2000
APC --- ---
Towing Vehicle ----------- 2000------------------------------2500
Wheeled Vehicles --- ---

2.) Average Speed of March of Marching Columns and Length of Daily March
Conditions of the Speed of Movement Length of Daily March
Movement -------------------------------Day -------------------Night ----------------March Hours ------------KM
Motorized March Columns: Paved Roads -------30-40 ------------------------25-30 --------------------------10-12* --------------------------250-350
Dry Dirt Roads -------------------------------------20-25 -----------------------18-20 ---------------------------10-12* --------------------------180-300
Muddy Dirt Roads,Cities --------------------------10-15 -----------------------8-10 -----------------------------10-12* --------------------------80-180
Tank and Mixed Columns: Paved Roads ---------20-30 ----------------------15-20 ----------------------------10-12* --------------------------200-250
Dry Dirt Roads -------------------------------------15-20 -----------------------12-15 ---------------------------10-12* ---------------------------120-170
Muddy Dirt Roads,Cities --------------------------10-12 -----------------------8-12 -----------------------------10-12* ---------------------------80-120
* The rest of the 12-14 hours per day are spent on the following activities:

- technical maintenance and services 3-4 hours
- serving hot meals 1-1.5 hours
- assembly or formation of column and concealment 1-1.5 hours
- movement to march starting line 1-1.5 hours
- rest 4-8 hours

The width of the polosa of the movement of an army will be 150-200 kilometers on the front, and one or two railroad routes, which gives the overall capability of the railroad 50-60 trains in a 24 hour period. 70% or 80% of these trains will be used for military purposes, i.e., 35-50 trains can be used for military purposes in a 24-hour period. These 35-50 trains can provide for the transport of heavy equipment of up to two divisions in a 24 hour period. <logistics distance>

For the transport of one motorized rifle division, 50-60 trains are needed. For the transport of a tank division, 48 steam trains are needed. For an army composed of four motorized rifle divisions and one tank division, 400-450 trains are needed. <logistics distance>

The average speed of the train in the territory of the Soviet Union can be 600 kilometers in a 24 hour period, and in certain directions up to 1000 kilometers per 24 hour period. <logistics distance>

For the transport of one motorized rifle or tank division, the following naval ships are needed: <logistics>
----- 30-35 ships, each 2.5-3 thousand tons, or
----- 16-20 ships, each 4-5 thousand tons, or
----- 7-8 ships, each 12-13 thousand tons.

As the experience of exercises has shown, a motorized rifle division without heavy equipment is transported by air transport aviation at a distance of 1700 kilometers in the course of 8 hours. <logistics>

For the transport of a motorized rifle division without heavy equipment, 800 AN-12s are needed or 4 aviation transport divisions, for two flights. <logistics>

A combined arms and tank army consisting of 4-5 divisions, as a rule, can perform a march on 4-5 or 6-7 routes; the operational postroenie (formation) of the march will be in two echelons. <logistics distance>

The distance of the first operational echelon of the march from the second operational echelon will be 80-100 kilometers. <logistics distance>

The postroenie of the march formation of the division on 2 routes will be 80-100 kilometers. <logistics distance>

The depth of the postroenie of the march formation of a division on 3-4 routes will be 40-50 kilometers. <logistics distance>

The depth of the first operational march formation of an army on 8 routes will be 130 kilometers. <logistics distance>

The depth of the first operational march formation of an army on 9 -10 routes which normally will be in the last day of movement 60 kilometers and the depth of the second operational formation of the army will be 185-300 kilometers. <logistics distance>

The overall depth of a march formation of both echelons of the army while moving on 7 routes will be up to 300 kilometers and more. <logistics distance>

The overall depth with movement on 5 routes will be 500-600 kilometers. <logistics distance>

The overall depth of a march formation of a motorized rifle division on 3 routes, without march security echelon, can be 70-80 kilometers, while the distance between vehicles will be 25 meters and the distance between battalion columns will be 5 kilometers and the distance between regiments will be 10 kilometers. <logistics distance>

To perform a march a distance of 1500-1700 kilometers, 5.5-6 refuelings of gasoline are required and 8.5-9.5 refuelings of diesel. Overall this will be 26,000 to 29,000 tons of fuel. <logistics distance>

One refueling of fuel for a combined arms army consists of 3500-5000 tons of fuel. <logistics>

The capacity of the motor transportation units of the army is 6000-7000 tons of fuel. <logistics>

A transport aviation regiment consists of 32 airplanes. If the division has in its composition 4 regiments, then the division will have 130 planes. <logistics>

A transport aviation division which has in its composition 4 regiments can make an air landing or air drop of one parachute regiment. <logistics>

A parachute regiment of 1600 people will its weigh 700-800 tons. <logistics>

A transport aviation regiment of the type AN-12, with readiness #1, can become airborne in 15 minutes, and with readiness #2 it can become airborne in 1 hour; with readiness #3 it will become airborne in 4 hours. <logistics>

At one airfield only one aviation regiment is located. If the conditions are good, one regiment can be deployed at two airfields. <logistics>

A squadron is located at a distance far from other squadrons, at such a distance so that one medium nuclear blast will not destroy two squadrons. The distance between planes is 200 meters. Around each plane is created a caponier(kaponir) (an earth parapet made of dirt piles around the current position) which protect it from fragments of enemy bombs. <logistics>

3.) Basic Tactical and Technical Characteristics of Transport Aviation
Main Features AN-12BK AN-22
Crew 7 7
Maximum Speed (km/h) 683 710
Average Speed (km/h) 500 ---
Flight Altitude (meters) 12000 11000
Weight in the Air (tons):
Minimum 54 196.5
Maximum 61 225.00
Range with Full Tanks (km) 6450 8800
Load Capacity (tons):
Maximum 20 ---
Normal 10.6 50
Passenger Capacity:
Troops 93 295
Paratroopers 60 152
Wounded 80 177
Tactical Radius (km) 900 ---

AN-12 airplanes can become airborne from an airfield which has landing strips of a length of 1800-2400 meters. <logistics>

For the landing of one desant division by means of parachutes, 455 AN-12 planes are required, broken down as follows: for the transport of the parachute dropping group 415 planes are needed, and for the landing group 40 planes are needed. For a parachute regiment to be dropped 80 AN-12 airplanes are needed, or one transport aviation division. <logistics>

According to the experience of exercises bringing the military transport aviation from routing combat readiness to full combat readiness requires 25-27 hours. Included in this, to raise by an alarm requires 2 hours; to prepare the command and control of transport aviation (organization of airborne operations) requires 18 hours. For loading the airplanes and completing the preparation of military transport aviation, 2-3 hours are required. <logistics>

If military transport aviation received the mission beforehand, and it is located at the permanent or deployment airfields in the first or second degree of readiness for take-off, the time for preparation significantly decreases, in this case the time will be 5-7 or 5-8 hours. <logistics>

One airborne (desant) division is air dropped on one flight in 4-5 hours; by landing (air landing) method, the process requires 20-28 hours. <logistics>

For each military transport division composed of 3-4 regiments, 4 main airfields and 1-2 reserve airfields are needed. <logistics>

For the deployment of 4 military transport divisions in the iskhodnyi raion (staging area) up to 20 airfields are needed; included in this, 16 of the airfields will be main airfields and 4-6 will be reserve airfields. <logistics>

The same number of airfields are designated for long-range aviation, frontal aviation, and frontal and national air defense and civil aviation. <logistics>

For resupply of one AN-12 aircraft, 3-15 tons of fuel is needed. <logistics>

At one airfield, at which one transport regiment is concentrated, up to 500 tons of fuel is required. At all 20 airfields, for 4 transport divisions, from 10,000-12,000 tons of fuel is needed. <logistics>

The raion vyzhidaniia (assembly area/waiting area) of an airborne division is designated at a distance of 5-10 kilometers from the airfield. <logistics>

The area of the iskhodnyi raion (staging area) for an airborne division can be 300 by 400 kilometers. <logistics>

Fuel resupply areas for military transport aviation are designated at a distance of 200-300 kilometers from the front. <logistics>

The time for landing, fuel resupply, and take-off of one military transport regiment will be 2-3 hours. <logistics>


4.) Tactical and Technical Characteristics of Some Aircraft and Helicopters
Features -----MiG-21 PF ------------Su-7 BM--------------- YAK-28 ----------------------------Mi-8
Mission -------------frontal fighter- ------------frontal transport ------ interceptor bomber bomber---------------- helicopter*
Crew 1 1 2
Maximum speed --------2175 ----------------------------2200 ---------------------------1830 ----------------------------------------230 (km/h)
Maximum flight --------19000 ---------------------------18500 --------------------------15300 ----------------------------------------4500 altitude (m)
Tactical range* --------400/250 ------------------------300/250 ------------------------900/400 --------------------------------------180/270 (km) w.add.fuel
Weapons--------------- 2 (50-500kg) bombs: -----------bombs: -----------------------bombs:
bombs 50-500 kg 1x3000 kg 4x50-250 kg
cannon: 1x1500 kg air-to-surf 2 x 30 mm 1x500 kg rockets:
rockets: 2 cannon: can transp. nuclear bomb: 1 1 x 23 mm 23
can lift 3000 kg cargo * high altitude / low altitude

The flight of aviation to the desant area, the boarding of the desant on the aircraft, fuel resupply and take-off of aviation from the staging area to the objective of the air drop requires 7-9 hours. <logistics>

To load military equipment and loads requires 2-3 hours, and it must be finished 30-50 minutes before the take-off. At the same time the fuel resupply is being carried out and the military transport regiment is brought up to readiness #2. The boarding of personnel is concluded 10-15 minutes before starting the engines of the aircraft and the regiment is brought to combat readiness #1. The boarding of personnel requires 10-20 minutes. <logistics>

The speed of the flight of transport aviation is 500 km/hour. <logistics>

The depth of the formation of a transport regiment during flight will be 32 kilometers during the day and 110 kilometers at night. <logistics>

The time of the air drop of one regiment during the day will be 4 minutes, and at night it will be 13 minutes. <logistics>

The depth of a military transport division formation during flight will be 180 kilometers during the day and up to 900 kilometers at night. <logistics>

The time of the air drop of one division will be 25 minutes during the day and 1 hour 47 minutes at night. <logistics>

An airborne division can carry with it material reserves for two full days. Each day an airborne division expends in their combat activities 250 tons of material. To supply such a load of material, 20-25 AN-12s are required. <logistics>

Air transport of the troops in great distances is more advantageous, because at a distance of 500 kilometers, the average speed of movement is 50 km/hour; at a distance of 3000 kilometers, the average speed of movement will be 215 km/hour; at a distance of 6000 kilometers, the average velocity of movement will be 250 km/hour. The conditions of the above calculations are the following: transport and movement of troops, two hours are needed; for loading, 4 hours are needed; for unloading, 3 hours are required. The average speed of the flight is 500 km/hr. <logistics>

The requirement of military transport aviation for transport of a motorized rifle division without heavy equipment is 803 AN-12s; the transport of a motorized rifle regiment without heavy equipment requires 138 AN-12s; the transport of an artillery regiment requires 122 AN-12s. <logistics>

For the supply of one boekomplekt (basic ammunition load) and one refueling of POL for a motorized rifle regiment, 30 AN-12s, or almost one transport regiment, is needed. <logistics>

For the airdrop of one airborne division, 4 military transport aviation divisions are needed. For the airdrop of one airborne regiment, one military transport aviation division is needed. <logistics>

The Army mobile base, a mobile army base, can maintain up to 7,000 tons of material. It can have up to 7,000 men and 2,500 transport vehicles. The army mobile base has as its components the following units (chasti), subunits (podrazdeleniia), and establishments (uchrezhdeniia): base headquarters; signal platoon; a separate chemical defense company; a separate rear services signal battalion; a separate gas decontamination battalion.
A state bank branch (otdelenie), one of the components of a rear mobile army base branch, as is a mobile bakery plant (with a capacity of 18 tons in a 24 hour period) and a military post office, a military shopping (trade) facility with a capacity of 40 tons, personnel of all types of supply (artillery, armor, motor, engineering, chemical, signal, POL, foodstuffs, clothing, medical, furniture) and a rota sluzhby (service company) which can load or unload 2500 tons in a 24 hour period. <logistics>

The Army mobile base has various supply storage facilities (depots). The capacity of each is as follows: <logistics> artillery depot - 2000 tons; fuel depot - 3000 cubic meters; food depot - 400 tons; tank depot - 1000 tons; motor tractor depot - 150 tons; engineer depot -250 tons; signal depot - 80 tons; chemical depot - 300 tons; goods and property depot (sklad imushchestva) - 40 tons; medical depot - 60 tons; quarters depot - 25 tons; trade depot - 40 tons.

A motor transportation regiment has 4 battalions and one battalion for transporting POL. The regiment can transport up to 5,000 tons, including 630 tons of POL. <logistics>

Two separate road construction and traffic battalions are designated for preparing the army's automobile roads. These battalions are not part of the mobile army base. <logistics>

The rear services of an army are also composed of the following rear units (chasti): <logistics> a separate battalion for the recovery (evakuatsiya) of tanks; a separate company for the recovery of motor transport (avtotraktornaia) equipment; a separate engineer company for recovery and repair.

An army can receive from the front several rear services units (chasti) and establishments (uchrezhdeniia), such as a tank repair battalion, and a separate automobile repair battalion. <logistics>

The air army also has as one of its components a rear service. In the rear service of an air army there are the following units (chasti) and establishments (uchrezhdeniia): <logistics> the rear services headquarters; 1-2 air army mobile bases; one separate technical support regiment (each division has aviation technical support battalions; each regiment also has technical support battalions); separate companies for technical support of the airfields.

In the iskhodnoe polozhenie (staging position) for an offensive, the army mobile base, rocket technology base (raketno-tekhnicheskaia baza), and the motor transportation regiment are situated at a distance of 40-60 kilometers from the front, i.e., at a distance of 15-20 kilometers, the reserve positions are prepared. <logistics>

If several formations (soedineniia) of an army operate on separate axes, a branch (otdelenie) of army's mobile base is designated to resupply and reinforce them. <logistics>

The rear units (chasti) and establishments (uchrezhdeniia) in the course of the attack move forward in accordance with the degree of the offensive.

As a rule, the medical support detachment, motor ambulance company, and units (chasti) for recovery and repair of damaged vehicles move behind the first echelon divisions. <logistics>

An army mobile base is situated in the course of the offensive, so that its distance will not be more than 125 kilometers, i.e., one half of the daily march, from the division storage facilities (depots). <logistics>

At a speed of attack of 30-50 kilometers per 24 hour period, the army mobile base relocates once every two-three days. <logistics>

The rocket technical base, as a rule, moves behind the units (chasti) of rocket troops. <logistics>

Some chasti and podrazdeleniia of the rear services of the army, such as the army mobile base, army rocket technical base, mobile mechanical bakery, separate recovery and repair battalion for armored vehicles, and recovery company for motor transport, relocate with their full complement. They do not relocate by units (chast'), but in full complement. <logistics>

The organization of the rear services in a defensive operation. <logistics>

Division medical battalion, separate medical detachments which the division has received as reinforcement, and the repair battalion, are located between the first and second echelons of the division, or in the depth of the defense of the division. The remaining chasti and uchrezhdeniia of the division are situated at a distance of 30-40 kilometers from FEBA behind the combat formation of the division. <logistics>

The rear of second echelon of divisions army, and the rear of other chasti which are located in the units, as a rule, are located in the region of the deployment of such divisions and units. <logistics>

The rear services of an army is deployed as follows: <logistics>
- the army rocket technical base is at a distance of 30-40 kilometers from the positions of the army rocket troops, or 60-80 kilometers from the positions of the rocket battalions of the divisions;
- the army mobile base is situated at a depth of 100-120 kilometers from the forward edge, or 60-80 kilometers from the storage facilities (depots) of the divisions;
- a branch army mobile base on a separate direction is situated at a distance of 60-80 kilometers from FEBA;
- the separate recovery and repair battalion for tanks, and a the separate recovery and repair company for motor transport vehicles, and the ambulance company are situated behind the first echelon divisions for the recovery of equipment and vehicles, and the sick and wounded;
- the separate medical detachments which are in the reserve of the army are situated behind the second echelon divisions near the rear command post of the army. Their relocation to alternative positions is conducted, in accordance with the order of from the chief of the rear services of the army, in case of threat to their position or use of chemical weapons. <logistics>

The construction of roads in a defensive army operation. <logistics>

In an army defensive operation, as a rule, the following roads are established: <logistics>
1: front roads in an army, as a rule, are laid to the front, one road per first echelon division;
2: rokads are laid normally along the rear services of the first echelon regiments, a second road along the area of the location of the rear services of the first echelon divisions of the army, and a third road along the front with respect to the location of the rear services of the army. A rokad is also established along a water obstacle.
3: roads for conducting counter-strikes are also laid, one road for each of the regiments participating in the counter-strike.

The depth of the army rear services area in defense will be 100-150 kilometers. <logistics>

In an offensive, the depth of the rear services of a division will be up to 40 kilometers, and in defense, the depth of the rear services of a division will be up to 60 kilometers. <logistics>

Technical support of the army: during World War II, 8-9 percent of the tanks were knocked out of operation every twenty four hours. With the use of nuclear weapons, these losses will be 12-15 percent every 24 hours. By the technical means of the troops, 100% of the running light repair and 15-20 % of the medium repair can be handled. During a nuclear war, in the course of an operation losses will be as follows: 50-80%; 30-40 percent of the APCs; 40-50 percent of wheeled vehicles. <logistics>

Front Rear Services: The composition of the rear services of a front is not constant; it depends on the composition of the front, the mission, and the conditions of the theater of military operations. The rear services of the front are made up of 250-300 rear services (chasti) and uchrezhdeniia, consisting of 160,000-170,000 men, up to 25,000-27,000 vehicles. The following rear services soedineniia, chasti, and uchrezhdeniia make up the rear of a front: <logistics> 1-2 rear service bases of the front; 2-3 forward bases of the front; 4-6 forward hospital bases of the front; 2-3 hospital bases of the front; 2-3 automobile transportation brigades (each brigade can load 6600 tons, including 1440 tons of POL); 2-3 railroad brigades (each brigade can lay 20-25 kilometers of railroad in a 24 hour period, or up to 9 kilometers of railroad when it has been completely destroyed); 2-3 road construction and Komandant service brigades (each brigade can reconstruct up to 900 kilometers of road; it can reconstruct a bridge with a load capacity of 60 tons, length of 110 kilometers), can establish 160 traffic regulation posts, can construct a 400 meter floating bridge of 16 tons; 2-3 pipeline brigades (each brigade can put together 600 kilometers of pipeline; in a 24 hour period the brigade can refuel, using pipe with a diameter of 100 millimeters, 800 tons of fuel, and with pipe with a 150 millimeter diameter, 2000 tons of fuel over a length of 75-150 kilometers. In a 24 hour period, it can lay 65- 75 kilometers of pipe); separate battalions for transport of rocket fuel (each battalion can transport 640 tons of rocket fuel); rocket fuel depots of the front (each depot can store 500 cubic meters of rocket fuel); separate medical ambulance battalions (in one trip each can evacuate up to 3000 sick and wounded); separate air transport medical regiments (including 32 AN-2 airplanes; in one flight a regiment can evacuate 180 seriously ill men).

A front has the following chasti and uchrezhdeniia for recovery and repair, which are subordinate to the chiefs of services: (17 repair plants and evacuation units): <logistics> separate regiments of the railroad exploitation; separate rear services signal regiments of the front; a guard division for the protection of the rear services; bridge construction brigade, (it is a central reserve and establishes crossing sites on wide rivers); railroad bridge construction brigade.

The following is the organization of some of the rear uchrezhdeniia: <logistics>

As a rule the front mobile base is designated to resupply armies of the first echelon with material requirements. Its capacity is 8000 tons of materials. Which meets 3-4 day requirements of the respective grouping of forces to be resupplied. <logistics>

A front forward base is assigned to one or two armies. In its composition are the following elements: base headquarters storage facilities (each type of supply has 1 control element). The capacity of each facility is as follows: <logistics> - artillery depot - 250 wagon loads (38 cubic feet per load); - fuel depot - 4000 cubic meters; - food depot - up to 250 wagon loads; - tank depot - 250 wagons; - motor and tractor depot - 25 wagons; - engineer troop depot -200 wagons; - communications depot - up to 70 wagons; - chemical depot - up to 150 wagons; - light goods and property depot - up to 150 wagons; - medical depot - 300-350 wagons; - topographic depot - up to 500 wagons.

A front forward base also has as part of its composition the following: <logistics> - 2 separate service companies (each company can load or unload up to 2500 tons); - an engineer company; - a separate chemical defense company; - 3 mechanical field bakeries; - repair plants for repair of equipment organic to POL, food, and clothing services; - lubricant reprocessing station; - two field mechanical laundry detachments; - laboratory; - military post office; - automobile transport regiment with a load capacity of 3300 tons.

The headquarters of the base includes a chief of the base, his deputy, political assistant, planning and organization section, movement section, six assistant chiefs for supply of ammunition and armament, POL, motor-tractor, tank, foods-clothing, and combat technical equipment. <logistics>

The front rear base can maintain material reserves for 10 days. As a rule it is situated on a railroad. The load capacity is 75,000 tons. The organizational structure is as follows: base headquarters depots with capacities as follows: <logistics> - artillery depot - 250 wagons; - artillery weapons - 250 wagons; - POL depot - 8000 cubic meters; - food depot - up to 350 wagons; - tank depot - up to 250 wagons; - motor tractor depot - up to 150 wagons; - engineer depot - up to 200 wagons; - signal depot -up to 100 wagons; - goods and clothing depot - up to 150 wagons; - chemical depot - 500 wagons; - medical depot - up to 800 tons; - veterinary depot - up to 7 wagons; - household goods depot - up to 50 tons.

Besides this, the front rear base has in its composition a separate transport battalion with a load capacity of 1100 tons, a separate engineer company, a separate service battalion (the battalion can load and unload 7500 tons in a 24 hour period); a separate chemical defense company, 3 mechanical field bakeries and other repair and other chasti which were discussed in detail in lectures concerning the rear services in an offensive front operation. Repair plants to repair equipment used by POL, food and clothing, supply services, two mobile POL reprocessing stations, 7 field laundry detachments, centers for unloading and distribution of front transportation, testing laboratory, field post office. The composition of the rear base headquarters is the same as forward base headquarters discussed earlier. <logistics>

The deployment and relocation of the rear services of the Front: its border is determined by the rear services directive from the supreme commander-in-chief. In the iskhodnyi raion it is situated up to 400 kilometers from the forward edge; in the course of an offensive its depth can be 1000 kilometers. It is situated in two echelons. In the first echelon are the following elements: the forward base of the front is situated behind the armies of the first echelon at a distance of 80-100 kilometers, near the railroads in an area of 150 square kilometers; rocket technical units which are situated at a distance of 30-40 kilometers from the positions of the rocket troops; rocket fuel depots and pipeline chasti and soedineniia; the forward hospital base of the front which is located 50-70 kilometers from the FEBA; recovery and repair chasti of the front, as a rule, are located in the area of the armies or are given to the armies as reinforcement. The second echelon is situated in the following manner: the rear base of the front is situated on a railroad; it is situated on a large area. The zone covers an area of 200 kilometers along the front by 50-100 kilometers into the depth. Storage facilities are located along the railroad in the depth. As a rule the rear hospital base of a front is situated in 2-3 regions by a railroad. Its distance from the forward edge will be 50-70 kilometers, or 200-300 kilometers. When there is a railroad, its distance will be the greater one, i.e. 200-300 kilometers. <logistics>

Repair plants are situated, as a rule, near the front rear bases, and use local plants if possible. If the front has two rear bases, each base will be situated on separate axes to resupply the armies. It is recommended that one branch (otdelenie) of the rear base of a front be situated at a distance of 120-150 kilometers from the front; and the second branch (otdelenie) remain in the reserve to be used in the course of the operation. <logistics>

Relocation of the frontal rear in the course of an offensive operation: the first echelon of the front rear services should not fall behind the armies rear services more than 150 kilometers, i.e., not more than one half of the movement over a 24 hour period. If the speed of the offensive is 45-50 kilometers per 24 hour period, the first echelon will be relocated once in three days; if the speed of the offensive is 80-100 kilometers, the first echelon will be relocated once every two days. <logistics>

The front forward base, as a rule, relocates at full strength. If conditions require, it can send forward a branch (otdelenie). <logistics>

The mobile rocket technical base of the front relocates behind the advancing troops each time after 150-200 kilometers, or they relocate once after 220-250 kilometers, so that their distance will not be more than 340 kilometers from the positions of the rocket troops. <logistics>

Rocket fuel depots simultaneously relocate with the rocket technical bases. <logistics>

Mobile repair units (chasti) of the front approach the sectors where a large number of damaged combat equipment is massed, and conduct repair work. <logistics>

Soyedineniia, chasti, and uchrezhdeniia of the second echelon of the rear services of a front move forward with the preparation of the railroad. <logistics>

The front rear base, in the course of an offensive operation, sends forward, in turns, its branch (otdelenie). It relocates in full strength only at the end of an operation. <logistics>

Organization of supply of material in the offensive operation of the front: The principle of resupply is from above downward. Resupply is carried out continually with the use of the sum total of all types of transport. Under conditions of using nuclear weapons, the volume of overall resupply of a front will be 300,000 tons; with the use of conventional weapons, the overall volume of resupply of the front will be 450,000 tons, in which one third of the resupply will be the air army, PVO troops, various reserves, and the rear services of the front. Resupply of the first echelon armies will be 20,000 tons per 24 hour period. <logistics>

The average daily (24-hour) haul of transport means of a front will be 300 kilometers; for transport means of an army this will be 250 kilometers; for troop transport, this will be 200 kilometers. <logistics>

Some fundamentals in supply of the troops: material reserves are replenished up to the norms every day. In the first order, those troops which are successful in the operation are replenished with materials. All types of transport (front, army, troops) are used together. <logistics>

Troops of the second echelon of the front organize resupply by means of their own transport. <logistics>

As a rule, when the troops are moving forward very fast or an airborne assault is being air landed, resupply and transport is organized by air, and airfields are prepared. Superfluous loading is prohibited, that is, loading from one vehicle to another; this wastes time. It is better when the materials and ammunition are resupplied on one vehicle, for example, from a front depot and unloaded at a division depot. This restricts superfluous transloading. <logistics>

The role of the types of transport: resupply from the front forward base to the army mobile base amounts to 90% by motor transport means and 5% by air transport means. From the front rear base to the front forward base, 15% of the transport is by railroad, 70% is by motor transport means, 10% is by pipeline, and 5% is by air transport. To the front rear base, 75 % of the transport is by rail, 15 % is by motor transport, and 10% is by pipeline. <logistics>

The preparation, content, and use of roads for a Front offensive operation: as a rule, in an offensive operation all types of roads are used, such as railroad, waterways, air lanes, vehicular roads, and pipelines. In the area of the front there will be 2-3 front railroads and 2-3 rokadnyi railroads. Their capacity will be 70 pairs of trains in a 24 hour period. In the course of the operation, 1-2 railroad axes are prepared with a capacity of 30 pairs or trains in a 24 hour period. 40-45 kilometers of rail can be laid by two railroad brigades in a 24 hour period; under conditions of mass destruction, 20-25 kilometers can be laid in this period. As a rule, for an army 2-3 distribution stations and 1-2 reserve stations are allocated. <logistics>

Unloading stations are allocated to an army as follows: one per division, 2 or 3 for the army mobile base. <logistics>

One or two temporary loading areas are organized for a front. <logistics>

Waterways: a distribution port is designated for a front; for an army an unloading port is designated. <logistics>

front military vehicular roads: these roads join the front bases with their branches (otdeleniia), and with the army mobile bases. Behind each first echelon army of the front is prepared one frontal military vehicular road. The capacity of this road will be up to 10,000 vehicles (automobiles) in a 24 hour period. <logistics>

Main field pipeline: it is designated for the transport of fuel from the permanent and front storage facilities (depot) to the troops. As a rule, it is laid in the direction of the main attack of the front. <logistics>

Military air transport: 7-8 percent of the material resupply is carried out by military air transport. <logistics>

At the front all types of transport routes and roads are used and their technical support is organized. <logistics>



Requirements for Material Reserves and the Echelonment -- Norms and Types of Material Resources in front Offensive Operation


Requirements=Operation Expenditure + Reserves to be Available at the end of Operation

Echelons Basic load
Infantry Artillery Air weapons and mortar Tank defense Air
Total in front ------------2.15 -------------3.25 -------------5.25 ---------5.75 ------------17.5
To Include:
Troops ----------------------------1.0 --------------1.0 --------------2.25 ----------2.0 ---------- - - ------
Army (2 days)-------------------- 0.15 -------------0.3 --------------0.4 -----------0.5 ----------- - - - ---
Air Army -------------------------1.75 --- --- --- ----------------------------------------------------------17.5
front Forward ------------0.22 ------------0.45 -------------0.6 -----------0.7 ----------- ----- --
Rear Base
front Rear Base ---------0.78 --------------1.5 --------------2.0 ----------2.55 ------------------ ---

Echelons Refill (fuel) Auto benzine Diesel Air benzine Food*
Total in front 5.15 7.65 15.0 28-29
To Include:
Troops 1.7 2.4 --- 13
Army (2 days) 0.46 0.7 --- 2
Air Army 3.0 3.5 7.5 21
front Forward 0.6 1.0 --- 3-4
Rear Base
front Rear Base 2.3 3.5 7.5 10

* daily rations

Total Requirements in front: up to 700,000 tons
To Include:
Infantry Ammunition 4.5 basic loads
Artillery and Mortar Ammunition 4.5 - 9 basic loads
Tank Ammunition 7.5 - 8 basic loads
Air Defense Ammunition 8.5 - 9.5 basic loads
Air Ammunition 22 - 23 basic loads
POL: Petrol (auto benzine) 8 - 9 refuel
Diesel 11 - 13 refuel
Air Benzine 26 - 27 refuel
Food 30 daily rations


Completed 10 November 1986

Additional tables and charts




Forces and Means Nuclear Weapons Conventional Weapons

In general On the axis
In general -----------------On the of the main axis of strike the main strike

Infantry 1-1.5:1 2-3:1 1-1.5:1 3-4:1

Tanks and self-propelled artillery --1-1.5:1 2-3:1 1-1.5:1 3-4:1
Artillery Tubes and mortars 1:1 1.5-2:1 1-1.5:1 3-5:1

Aviation 1:1 1:1 1.5-2:1 1.5-2:1


Ammunition (basic loads) Fuel Food (refuelings) (daily ration)

small arty. tanks antiair gas diesel

arms and


Use in operation (nuclear) 1.0-1.6 2.1-3.2 2.4-3.2 3.5-5.6 1.4-2.4 2.8-4.0 7-8

Use in operation (non nuclear)- 3.5-5.6 1.4-2.4 2.8-4.0 7-8

Creating reserves toward end of the operation 1.15 1.3 2.65 2.5 2.15 3.1 15

Overall need on an operation (nuclear) 2.15- 3.4-4.5 5.5- 6.0-8.6 3.56- 5.9-7.1 22-

on an operation 2.75 5.85 4.56 23


Overall need 6.0-8.6 3.56- 5.9-7.1 22-

on an operation 4.56 23



Ammunition (basic loads) Fuel (refuelings) Food (daily ration)

small arty rockets tanks anti- gas diesel

arms and air


Overall in the army (for 6-7 days) 1.15 1.3 1.3 2.65 2.5 2.16 3.1 15

including: army storage facilities 0.15 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.46 0.7

armeiskii (2


military 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.25 2.0 1.7 2.4 13



(4-5 days)

Division stor- 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.75 0.5 0.4 0.75 2


chasti 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.65 11


Ammunition (basic load) Fuel Food

(refuelings) (daily


small arty tanks anti- avia- gas diesel

arms and air tion


Overall 2.15 3.25 5.25 5.75 17.5 5.15 7.65 28-29


troops 1.0 1.0 2.25 2.0 - 1.7 2.4 13

army (2 days) 0.15 0.3 0.4 0.5 - 0.46 0.7 2

Air army 1.75 - - - 17.5 3.0 3.5 21


Forward base 0.22 0.45 0.6 0.7 - 0.6 1.0 3-4

of the front

Rear base of 0.78 1.5 2.0 2.55 - 0.3 3.5 10

the front

In addition, the following figures correspond to the echeloning

of aviation gasoline (number of refuelings):

Overall: 15

Air army reserves: 7.5

Rear base of the front: 7.5



The materiel requirements at the front will be up to 700,000

tons. Included in this will be the following:

small arms ammunition: 4-4.5 basic loads

artillery and mortar ammunition: 7.5-9 basic loads

tank ammunition: 7.5-9 basic loads

antiaircraft ammunition: 8.5-9.5 basic loads

aviation ammunition: 22-23 basic loads

motor gasoline: 8-9 refuelings

diesel: 11-13 refuelings

aviation gasoline: 26-27 refuelings

food: 30 daily rations.


1. Capabilities of the use and maneuver of the basic types of armored

and motor transport equipment

Type of equipment Velocity (km/hr) Fuel range Range

(kilometers) (kilometers)

Max Average Engine Track

Highway Dirt road

Average tanks 50 35 27 440-500 6000- 3000


Light tanks 44 35 25 260 4500- 3000*


BMP 75-85 up to 25 500-600 - 2000


BTR 80 50 25 500-600 -

Tractor (tiagach) 40-55 25-30 15-20 250-300 - 2000-


Motor vehicles 60-90 50 25 500-650 - -

*The original chart has 300 here.


2. Average speed of march columns and magnitude of daily movement

Conditions of movement Velocity Magnitude of daily

(km/hr) movement

Day Night Hours Kilometers

Motor vehicle columns:

on highways 30-40 25-30 10-12* 250-350

on dry dirt roads 20-25 18-20 10-12* 180-300

on poor dirt roads and in cities 10-15 8-10 10-12* 80-180

Tank and dismounted columns:

on highways 20-30 15-20 10-12* 200-250

on dry dirt roads 15-20 12-15 10-12* 120-170

on poor dirt roads and in cities 10-12 8-12 10-12* 80-120

*The 10-12 hours are distributed as follows:

technical service: 3-4 hours

loading hot food: 1-1.5 hours

boarding and deployment of columns, and camouflage: 1.5 hours

arrival of columns at the starting area: 1-1.5 hours

rest: 4-8 hours.