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The Association of Itinerant Artists


Until 1870 the Academy enjoyed a sort of a monopolistic position not only in controlling artistic movements in the country but also in organizing and promoting art exhibitions. Any opposition to its role had to be formed within the institution and to influence the minds of the elderly academicians and win them over to something original was indeed a very hard job to do. The idea to try not to depend any longer on the Academy for putting exhibitions and at the same time escape its control came to the mind of a young painter, G.G. Miasoyedov. He was one of those fourteen students who in 1863 resigned from the Academy and formed the Artel. He discussed the idea with Kramskoy and other fellow painters from the already defuct Artel and some other progressive artists and it was enthusiastically accepted. In November of 1870 they founded the "Association for Itinerant Art Exhibitions," (Tovarishechestvo Peredvizhnikh Vistavok) known in short a the Peredizhniki and their aim was to organize annual independent exhibitions in the principal Russian cities. This reminds us of France, one of the leading European countries, and her group of painters who four years after their Russian colleages formed their own "Annonymous Association of artists, painters, sculptors, engravers, etc." Cezanne, Monet, Degas, Renoir, to name just the most important, were among the founders, forced to establish the association just because the official Salon continuously refused to exhibit their works.




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