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This table contains a listing of the maps taken from Kinglake's book, from Beskrovni's atlas and maps developed from these to show additional phases of the battle.



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General view of Russian defense position and deployment of British into line while French columns advance toward paths up the bluff

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Detail showing British deployment into line well before reaching the Alma, where they lay down while waiting for French to open the battle. Some of Russian position shows.

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Detail showing Russian right flank on Kourgane hill and center covering the pass.

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Detail showing Russian left flank on bluff over looking the Alma and Black Sea, note there is only one Bn and it is well back from the crest.

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General view as battle opens, with Lord Raglan already on knoll, French infantry without artillery on crest of bluff and British infantry crossing the Alma

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Detail showing Lord Raglan on hill and British first line divisions fording river.

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Detail showing Russian right and center units.

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Detail showing French infantry on crest and Menschikov organizing counter attack.

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Detail showing British storming of Great Redoubt first time

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Detail showing Canrobert's French troops bunched on edge of plateau

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Detail showing Russian column of 8 battalions beginning to counter attack French

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Detail showing British Guards brigade conducting second attack on the Great Redoubt and Russian battalions

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Detail showing British Highland brigade deployed in line engaging Kazan and Souzdal regiments.

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Detail showing French artillery delivering surprise fire against flank of Russian 8 battalions.

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Russian map from Beskrovni atlas - note significant difference showing on Russian left flank.

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Kinglake map showing route of march of British and Russian forces between Alma and Balaklava

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Kinglake map showing region around Sevastopol and Balaklava

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Russian map from Beskrovni showing routes of march of armies from Alma to Sevastopol area.

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