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Subtitie, The ibertarian manefesto, Ludwig von Mises Institute, ND, 420 pgs., index, foototes, paperback


Reviewer comment:
This is a full exposition of Rothbard's philosophy and his theories about government and society - ruler and ruled. He strongly oppses the former and believes the 'ruled' can florish without there being a 'ruled' that is government, which he persists in terming the "State". By substituting 'state' for ruler he actually enhances the rulers method for obscuring their power and control when they obscure their own activity by claiming they have 'letitimacy' as mere followers of the claimed demnds of this 'state'.


Introduction: Lewellyn H. Rockwell


Chapter 1 - The Libertarian Heritage


Chapter 2 - Property and Exchange


Chapter 3 - The State


Chapter 4 - The Problems


Chapter 5 - Involuntary Servitude


Chapter 6 - Personal Liberty


Chapter 7 - Education


Chapter 8 - Welfare and the Welfare State


Chapter 9 - Inflation and the Business Cycle: The Collapse of the Keynesian Paradigm


Chapter 10 - The Public Sector, I: Government and Business


Chapter 11 - The Public Sector, II: Streets and Roads


Chapter 12 - The Public Sector, III: Police, Law, and the Courts


Chapter 13 - Conservation, Ecology, and Growth


Chapter 14 - War and Foreign Policy


Chapter 15 - A Strategy for Liberty




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