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Mt. Athos


The political decline of the Byzantine Empire at the end of the 12th and during the first half of the 13th centuries brought changes that favorably affected the arts, particularly iconography. Cool mosaic figures with their fixed, staring eyes and motionless faces, often clad in rich vestments and set in luxurious gold and marble, began to be replaced by inexpensive but warm, colorful, delicate and vibrant frescoes and icons. Those who revived the art of frescos painting - one of the oldest forms of pictorial art and who brought it inside Christian churches were not artists from Constantinople but simple monks from Mount Athos. Here on the Holy Hill in the 4th century Greek monks established a settlement which grew into a remarkable religious colony of about five thousand members grouped around some twenty monasteries. Most of the monasteries were Greek, but one was Serbian, one Russian and one Bulgarian. Each one was governed by it abbot and each one represented a sort of a small confederate republic within the frame of the entire community, known at one time as the Monastic Republic of Mount Athos.




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