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This map from the West Point atlas shows the situation on 1 July as Tormassov is assembling troops south of the Pripet marsh and Prince Bagration is retreating quickly to avoid encirclement in Byelorussia. Marshal Davout is turning south in an attempt at that encirclement, while Napoleon is trying to push his main forces forward faster to catch Barclay de Tolly. During this initial period the weather was very hot at first and then there ewas a 5-day rain storm that turned the roads into mud. Napoleon's caution was made alll the worse due to the impossibility to move rapidly. The vast extent and primitive conditions of Lithuania are already exerting their influence on Napoleon. He had not expected the Russians to have such a large force as Tormassov was assembling and had ordered Schwarsenberg to advance north of Brest. This move had to be reversed shortly after. We see that Bagration is moving east by south, further south than Napoleon had expected and not toward Minsk. Docutrov has just escaped from Davout. Barclay is pulling back also rather than entering the prepared camp at Drissa.


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