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This map from the West Point Atlas depicts the general situation in the theater on 4 October and the movements of Schwarzenberg and Chichagov from 24 Aug to 6 November. Taking command of the united Russian forces in Volynia from Tormassov (who joined Kutuzov's main army as chief of staff) Admiral Chichagov advanced to threaten the French rear area and Warsaw. Schwarzenberg initially blocked him, but by early November Chichagov had outmaneuvered the Austrians and slipped around them heading for Minsk. The small box indicates that Chichagov has 38,000 troops and Sacken has 25,000 more that threaten Schwarzenberg's and Reynier's rear, forcing them to let Chichagov go. Bronikovski garrisons Minsk and Dombrovski, from Ponyatovski's corps, is attempting to screen the Allied right rear flank. These two will mess up royally shortly as Chichagov reaches Minsk. This Russian force in the deep rear of the French army greatly complicated Napoleon's problems. Meanwhile Wittgenstein has been fighting St Cyr at Polotsk and Steindall is ignoring MacDonald's threat to Riga and hurrying south to close the northern side of a trap. Victor has brought a fresh (IX) Corps (allied) forward from Konigsberg to Smolensk. Kutuzov has taken the road from Moscow to Kaluga to block Napoleon from retiring via the Ukraine.


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