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Vyaz'ma was a settled community before written records were kept. It is known that by the 10th century there was a Finno-Ugric tribal population along the river. Gradually Slavyans entered the area. The first time Vyaz'ma was mentioned in the chronicles was 1300. At the beginning of the 13th century Vyaz'ma was part of the Dogorobuzh udel. It was then given as an independent government to Andrei Vladimirovich Dolgo Ruki, son of the Kievan grand prince Vladimir Rurikovich. His descendents were killed at the battle of the Kalka river in 1224.
In 1403 Vyaz'ma was taken by the Lithuanians and brought into that great principalith. However the Vyaz'ma princes retained the right to control theeir udel within Lithuania. I n1403 a Muscovite army besieged Vyaz'ma and took it back into the Moscow principality. The Vyaz'ma princes lost the right to a udel and became service princes of the Moscow court.


d. 1224 - Andrei Vladimirovich Dolgo Ruki
ca 1224 - Vasilii Andryeyevich
13th cent - Konstantin Fedorovich
13th cent - Afanasii Vasil'yevich
13th cent - Andrei Afanas'yevich
- 13th cent. -Semyon Andryeyevich
- 13th cent - Vasilii Andryeyevich
- Lev Andryeyevich
- 14th cent - Ivan Andryeyevich
14th cent - Vasilii Ivanovich


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